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Here's a nice, quick way to add multiple entities and attach them to scene nodes by using a 1 for loop, and 2 arrays (1 for the entities, and 1 for the scene nodes).

Just add this to your function which creates the scene:

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for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(entity) / sizeof(entity[0])); i++) // Loop through the entities { // Since array elements start from 0, we add 1, so the entity and node names start from 1 :) Ogre::String number = Ogre::StringConverter::toString(i + 1); // Add the current element number to the entity/scene node name to avoid confusion entity[i] = mSceneMgr->createEntity("Head " + number, "ogrehead.mesh"); node[i] = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode("Node " + number); // Distance the nodes from each other, so they aren't at the same place, and then attach them node[i]->setPosition(i * 100 , 0, 0); node[i]->attachObject(entity[i]); // Let us know how many entities we have on screen, completely unnecessary printf("Created Entity No. %i \n", i); }