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Moving Space Dust Effect         How to code a particle effect attached to a moving SceneNode, so that the particle effect follows it

This snippet shows how to code a particle effect attached to a moving SceneNode, so that the particle effect follows it.
Perfect for a space dust effect, or for rain.

Captain Nemo:

Here is a snippet from my own code. The particle system is attached to a child scene node of the camera. If a particle is further away from the camera than some specified distance I mirror it along its direction vector to the camera. E.g. if the particle is in front of the camera I position it behind the camera, if it's to the left I position it to the right etc.

This code also changes the size of the particles to avoid them becoming too large if they are close to the camera.

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bool XXX::frameStarted(const FrameEvent& evt) { const float maxDist = 250.0; const float mirrorDist = maxDist*0.99; const float dimFactor = 0.8*0.005*0.005; const float maxDist2 = maxDist*maxDist; Camera* cam = mCamera->getCamera(); const Vector3& camPos = cam->getWorldPosition(); ParticleIterator pit = mParticleSystem->_getIterator(); while (!pit.end()) { Particle* particle = pit.getNext(); Vector3& pos = particle->position; particle->timeToLive = 999999.0f; Vector3 pDir = pos-camPos; float dist = pDir.squaredLength(); float dim = dist*dimFactor; particle->setDimensions(dim, dim); if (dist > maxDist2) { pDir.normalise(); Vector3 p = camPos-pDir*mirrorDist; particle->position = p; } } return true; }

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