This section should show you how to configure an empty Xcode 4 project to use with Ogre. You will specify anything yourself and hence gain some knowledge in what you need to link and where your application will look for files.
Table of contents
- Install dependencies. MacPorts is recommended. Prerequisites
- You have a running OgreSDK (if not, go to Installing the Ogre SDK) placed in /Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK.
- Nvidia's CG Framework is installed in /Library/Frameworks (this is the default path, details can be found in the Installing the Ogre SDK page).
Let's go
Step 1: Create an new Xcode project
In Xcode, go to File | New | New Project... and select "Cocoa Application" as project template. Give the project any name you like and save it. I will call it MyOgreProject and use this name throughout this tutorial.
This will create a folder named "MyOgreProject" inside your project folder. Rename it to "Resources" and remove everything in it except the .plist file. You can remove the references to these files in Xcode.
Step 2: Change the build settings
Go to the project's build settings and change the following entries:
- Base SDK: Current Mac OS
- Other Linker Flags: "$(DEVELOPER_DIR)/SDKs/OgreSDK/lib/release/libOIS.a"
- Framework Search Paths: "$(DEVELOPER_DIR)/SDKs/OgreSDK/lib/release"
- Header Search Paths: "$(DEVELOPER_DIR)/SDKs/OgreSDK/boost_1_46_1" "$(DEVELOPER_DIR)/SDKs/OgreSDK/include/OIS" "$(DEVELOPER_DIR)/SDKs/OgreSDK/include/OGRE" "$(DEVELOPER_DIR)/SDKs/OgreSDK/include/OGRE/OSX"
Go to the target's build settings and change the following entries:
- Info.plist File: Resources/MyOgreProject-Info.plist
- GCC_PREFIX_HEADER: "" delete this entry
Step 3: Add source files to your project
Download the Ogre Wiki Tutorial Framework and add all .h and .cpp files to your project.
In BaseApplication.h add the following line to the include statements:
#include <macUtils.h>
This will make the Ogre::macBundlePath() available for us (see below).
(Note: You might have to specify OSX/macUtils.h)
In TutorialApplication.cpp overwrite the createScene function with the one from Basic Tutorial 1 and add these lines right to the beginning of the main function (around line 60):
Ogre::String workingDir = Ogre::macBundlePath()+"/Contents/Resources"; chdir(workingDir.c_str()); std::cout << "working directory: "+workingDir+"\n";
We tell the application to change the working directory to the Resources folder inside the App bundle. All resources will be placed there.
Step 4: Add the config files
Add these files to the Resources folder:
#Defines plugins to load #Define plugin folder PluginFolder= #Define plugins #Plugin=RenderSystem_Direct3D9 #Plugin=RenderSystem_Direct3D10 #Plugin=RenderSystem_Direct3D11 Plugin=RenderSystem_GL #Plugin=RenderSystem_GLES Plugin=Plugin_ParticleFX Plugin=Plugin_BSPSceneManager Plugin=Plugin_CgProgramManager Plugin=Plugin_PCZSceneManager Plugin=Plugin_OctreeZone Plugin=Plugin_OctreeSceneManager
# Resources required by the sample browser and most samples. [Essential] Zip=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/packs/ FileSystem=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/thumbnails # Common sample resources needed by many of the samples. # Rarely used resources should be separately loaded by the # samples which require them. [Popular] FileSystem=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/fonts FileSystem=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/materials/programs FileSystem=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/materials/scripts FileSystem=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/materials/textures FileSystem=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/materials/textures/nvidia FileSystem=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/models FileSystem=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/particle FileSystem=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/DeferredShadingMedia FileSystem=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/PCZAppMedia FileSystem=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/RTShaderLib FileSystem=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/RTShaderLib/materials Zip=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/packs/ Zip=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/packs/ Zip=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/packs/ Zip=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/packs/ Zip=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/packs/ Zip=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/packs/ Zip=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/packs/ Zip=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media/packs/ [General] FileSystem=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/Media
Step 5: Add the make file
This make file copies the required frameworks, components, plugins and resources to the app bundle:
OGRE_SDK=/Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK all: # create directories (if they don't exist) mkdir -p $(CONTENT_PATH)/Components mkdir -p $(CONTENT_PATH)/Plugins mkdir -p $(CONTENT_PATH)/Resources mkdir -p $(CONTENT_PATH)/Frameworks # copy components cp $(OGRE_SDK)/lib/libOgrePaging.dylib $(CONTENT_PATH)/Components cp $(OGRE_SDK)/lib/libOgreProperty.dylib $(CONTENT_PATH)/Components cp $(OGRE_SDK)/lib/libOgreRTShaderSystem.dylib $(CONTENT_PATH)/Components cp $(OGRE_SDK)/lib/libOgreTerrain.dylib $(CONTENT_PATH)/Components # copy plugins cp $(OGRE_SDK)/lib/Plugin_BSPSceneManager.dylib $(CONTENT_PATH)/Plugins cp $(OGRE_SDK)/lib/Plugin_CgProgramManager.dylib $(CONTENT_PATH)/Plugins cp $(OGRE_SDK)/lib/Plugin_OctreeSceneManager.dylib $(CONTENT_PATH)/Plugins cp $(OGRE_SDK)/lib/Plugin_OctreeZone.dylib $(CONTENT_PATH)/Plugins cp $(OGRE_SDK)/lib/Plugin_PCZSceneManager.dylib $(CONTENT_PATH)/Plugins cp $(OGRE_SDK)/lib/Plugin_ParticleFX.dylib $(CONTENT_PATH)/Plugins cp $(OGRE_SDK)/lib/RenderSystem_GL.dylib $(CONTENT_PATH)/Plugins # copy frameworks cp -R /Library/Frameworks/Cg.framework $(CONTENT_PATH)/Frameworks/ cp -R $(OGRE_SDK)/lib/release/Ogre.framework $(CONTENT_PATH)/Frameworks/ # copy resource files cp -R Resources/* $(CONTENT_PATH)/Resources/ # change permission on all files chmod -R u+rwx $(CONTENT_PATH)/* chmod -R go+r $(CONTENT_PATH)/* clean: rm -rf $(CONTENT_PATH)/Components rm -rf $(CONTENT_PATH)/Plugins rm -rf $(CONTENT_PATH)/Resources rm -rf $(CONTENT_PATH)/Frameworks
Step 6: Configure the build phases
In Xcode again, go to the build phases of your MyOgreProject target. Remove the Cocoa.framework from the "Link Binary With Libraries" phase and add the following frameworks instead:
- Carbon.framework
- Cocoa.framework
- OpenGL.framework
- AGL.framework
- CoreVideo.framework
- IOKit.framework
- Cg.framework
- Ogre.framework (from /Developer/SDKs/OgreSDK/lib/release)
Remove the "Copy bundle resources" build phase and add a new "Run Script" phase with the following code:
Step 7: Build
The project should now build without errors. If so, try to run the application. You should see the green Ogre head from Basic Tutorial 1.
- Add troubleshooting section (once a problem is reported)