A simple Axis Object for debug purposes. Mostly usefull for dealing with mount nodes (Bone Tag's). This object can be used to display orientation using color reference for planar orientation.
This object is here to facilitate the Using MountNode Xml example for the MountNodeSet object, a 3dsMax script for exporting mount nodes.
Table of contents
Header File: AxisObject.h
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// // // // Filename : AxisObject.h #ifndef _AXIS_OBJECT_H_ #define _AXIS_OBJECT_H_ class AxisObject { enum BoxParts { BOX_NONE = 0x00, BOX_TOP = 0x01, BOX_BOT = 0x02, BOX_FRONT = 0x04, BOX_BACK = 0x08, BOX_LEFT = 0x10, BOX_RIGHT = 0x20, BOX_ALL = 0xFF }; private: void addMaterial(const Ogre::String& mat, Ogre::ColourValue &clr, Ogre::SceneBlendType sbt); void addBox(Ogre::ManualObject* obj, Ogre::Vector3 dim, Ogre::Vector3 pos, Ogre::ColourValue color, short boxMask); public: Ogre::ManualObject*createAxis(Ogre::SceneManager *scene, const Ogre::String &name, Ogre::Real scale); }; #endif //--_AXIS_OBJECT_H_
Source File: AxisObject.cpp
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// // // // Filename : AxisObject.cpp #include "Ogre.h" #include "OgreMaterial.h" #include "AxisObject.h" using namespace Ogre; void AxisObject::addBox(ManualObject* obj, Vector3 dim, Vector3 pos, ColourValue color, short boxMask) { if(!obj) return; obj->begin("Axis", Ogre::RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST); dim/=2; Ogre::Real l = dim.x; Ogre::Real h = dim.y; Ogre::Real w = dim.z; obj->position(Ogre::Vector3(-l, h, w) + pos); obj->colour(color); obj->position(Ogre::Vector3(-l, -h, w) + pos); obj->colour(color); obj->position(Ogre::Vector3(l, -h, w) + pos); obj->colour(color); obj->position(Ogre::Vector3(l, h, w) + pos); obj->position(Ogre::Vector3(-l, h, -w) + pos); obj->colour(color); obj->position(Ogre::Vector3(-l, -h, -w) + pos); obj->colour(color); obj->position(Ogre::Vector3(l, -h, -w) + pos); obj->colour(color); obj->position(Ogre::Vector3(l, h, -w) + pos); // front back if(boxMask & BOX_FRONT) obj->quad(0, 1, 2, 3); if(boxMask & BOX_BACK) obj->quad(7, 6, 5, 4); // top bottom if(boxMask & BOX_TOP) obj->quad(0, 3, 7, 4); if(boxMask & BOX_BOT) obj->quad(2, 1, 5, 6); // end caps if(boxMask & BOX_RIGHT) obj->quad(1, 0, 4, 5); if(boxMask & BOX_LEFT) obj->quad(3, 2, 6, 7); obj->end(); } void AxisObject::addMaterial(const Ogre::String &mat, Ogre::ColourValue &clr, Ogre::SceneBlendType sbt) { static int init=false; if(init) return; else init=true; Ogre::MaterialPtr matptr = Ogre::MaterialManager::getSingleton().create(mat, "General"); matptr->setReceiveShadows(false); matptr->getTechnique(0)->setLightingEnabled(true); matptr->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->setDiffuse(clr); matptr->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->setAmbient(clr); matptr->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->setSelfIllumination(clr); matptr->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->setSceneBlending(sbt); matptr->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->setLightingEnabled(false); matptr->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->setVertexColourTracking(Ogre::TVC_DIFFUSE); } Ogre::ManualObject* AxisObject::createAxis(Ogre::SceneManager *scene, const Ogre::String &name, Ogre::Real scale) { addMaterial("Axis", Ogre::ColourValue(1,1,1,.75), Ogre::SBT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA); Ogre::ManualObject* axis = scene->createManualObject(name); Ogre::Real len=scale; Ogre::Real scl=len*.1; Ogre::Real loc=len/2+scl/2; Ogre::Real fade=.5; Ogre::Real solid=.8; addBox(axis, Vector3(len, scl, scl), Vector3(loc,0,0), ColourValue(0, 0, solid, solid), (BOX_ALL & ~BOX_RIGHT)); addBox(axis, Vector3(len, scl, scl), Vector3(-loc,0,0), ColourValue(0, 0, fade, fade), (BOX_ALL & ~BOX_LEFT)); addBox(axis, Vector3(scl, len, scl), Vector3(0,loc,0), ColourValue(0, solid, 0, solid), (BOX_ALL & ~BOX_BOT)); addBox(axis, Vector3(scl, len, scl), Vector3(0,-loc,0), ColourValue(0, fade, 0, fade), (BOX_ALL & ~BOX_TOP)); addBox(axis, Vector3(scl, scl, len), Vector3(0,0,loc), ColourValue(solid, 0, 0, solid), (BOX_ALL & ~BOX_BACK)); addBox(axis, Vector3(scl, scl, len), Vector3(0,0,-loc), ColourValue(fade, 0, 0, fade), (BOX_ALL & ~BOX_FRONT)); axis->setRenderQueueGroup(Ogre::RENDER_QUEUE_OVERLAY - 1); return axis; }
Usage Example
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// From the Demo SkeletalAnimation.h approx line: 160 ent = mSceneMgr->createEntity("jaiqua" + StringConverter::toString(i), "jaiqua.mesh"); // Add entity to the scene node mSceneNode[i] = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(); mSceneNode[i]->attachObject(ent); mSceneNode[i]->rotate(q); mSceneNode[i]->translate(mBasePositions[i]); Ogre::String oname = "jaiqua-Axis" + StringConverter::toString(i); Ogre::Vector3 pos(0,0,0); // world space offset Ogre::Quaternion rotq(Ogre::Quaternion::IDENTITY); // world space rotation AxisObject axisObj; Ogre::ManualObject*o=axisObj.createAxis(mSceneMgr, oname, 2); Bone* bone = ent->getSkeleton()->getBone(i); Matrix4 boneMat4; bone->getWorldTransforms(&boneMat4); Matrix3 boneMat3; boneMat4.extract3x3Matrix(boneMat3); // calculate offset in bone space Vector3 offsetPos = pos * boneMat3; // calculate orientation in bone space Quaternion quat = bone->getWorldOrientation().Inverse() * rotq; ent->attachObjectToBone(bone->getName(), o, quat, offsetPos);