If you prefer tutorials that come with a framework => check the other wiki tutorial series.
If you prefer tutorials that go step by step without a framework => this page should be ok.
I assume you know C++. If not, this tutorial will probably be hard to understand !
This tutorial presents only a few elements of Ogre3D.
You can download the code and media for this tutorial at the bottom of this wiki page.
This little tutorial is an extract of a bigger project which contains more tutorials & helper classes.
This bigger project is avaible there :
Also, make sure you read these tutorials in order!
Table of contents
Tutorial Description
In this program, I create a texture, in which I will render the scene.
I create a material that uses this texture, and I apply it on a mesh.
This technique is called a Render-To-Texture (RTT).
Often the texture itself is called 'a RTT' too in that case.
Description of the program with more details :
1/ I create a camera
2/ I create a manualobject cube (with texture coords).
3/ I convert the manualobject to mesh.
4/ I create a diagonal with 5 entities of that mesh.
5/ I create a the rtt texture
6/ I create a camera for this rtt texture.
7/ I position this 'rttcamera' near the last entity,
looking to the entities.
8/ I create a material that uses the rtt.
9/ I create a cube entity that uses that material.
10/ I put this entity such as it is visible for the first
camera, but not for the rtt camera.
11/ I enter the infinite loop, waiting for windows closing.
After creating a resource group, and a few entities
Now I create a special texture. This texture allows to do what is called a
'render to texture'. Which means that you can render your scene into
it, and then use this texture as any other in a material.
In order to keep a good framerate, I set its number of mipmaps to 0.
¤ Ogre::TextureManager& lTextureManager = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton(); Ogre::String lTextureName = "MyFirstRtt"; bool lGammaCorrection = false; unsigned int lAntiAliasing = 0; unsigned int lNumMipmaps = 0; Ogre::TexturePtr lTextureWithRtt = lTextureManager.createManual(lTextureName, lNameOfResourceGroup, Ogre::TEX_TYPE_2D, 512, 512, lNumMipmaps, Ogre::PF_R8G8B8, Ogre::TU_RENDERTARGET, 0, lGammaCorrection, lAntiAliasing);
Now I create the camera for the RTT
Note : I could have reused the first camera,
it's not a problem to have several 'RenderTarget'
on the same camera.
now I will link this texture to a camera, by creating a viewport in the texture.
¤ Ogre::RenderTexture* lRenderTarget = NULL; { Ogre::HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr lRttBuffer = lTextureWithRtt->getBuffer(); lRenderTarget = lRttBuffer->getRenderTarget(); lRenderTarget->setAutoUpdated(true);
I create a camera so that it has a beautiful '1' aspect ratio.
¤ Ogre::Camera * lRttCamera = lScene->createCamera("RttCamera"); lRttCamera->setNearClipDistance(1.5f); lRttCamera->setFarClipDistance(3000.0f); lRttCamera->setAspectRatio(1.0f);
I attach the camera to a node.
¤ Ogre::SceneNode* lRTTCameraNode = lRootSceneNode->createChildSceneNode(); lRTTCameraNode->attachObject(lRttCamera);
I position the node to see the entities differently.
¤ lRTTCameraNode->setPosition( 7, 7, -8); Ogre::Vector3 lTargetPointToLookAt( 0, 0, -10.0 ); lRTTCameraNode->lookAt( lTargetPointToLookAt, Ogre::Node::TS_WORLD);
I create a first blue viewport inside this rtt.
¤ Ogre::Viewport* lRttViewport1 = lRenderTarget->addViewport(lRttCamera, 50, 0.00f, 0.00f, 1.0f, 1.0f); lRttViewport1->setAutoUpdated(true); Ogre::ColourValue lBgColor1(0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0); lRttViewport1->setBackgroundColour(lBgColor1); }
now I create a material using this texture.
¤ Ogre::String lMaterialName = "MyRttMaterial"; {
I get a reference on the material manager, which is a singleton.
¤ Ogre::MaterialManager& lMaterialManager = Ogre::MaterialManager::getSingleton(); Ogre::MaterialPtr lMaterial = lMaterialManager.create(lMaterialName, lNameOfResourceGroup); Ogre::Technique * lTechnique = lMaterial->getTechnique(0); Ogre::Pass* lPass = lTechnique->getPass(0); Ogre::TextureUnitState* lTextureUnit = lPass->createTextureUnitState(); lTextureUnit->setTextureName(lTextureName);
I use no mipmap, and I just use some bilinear filtering on the result.
¤ lTextureUnit->setNumMipmaps(0); lTextureUnit->setTextureFiltering(Ogre::TFO_BILINEAR); }
I create an Entity which is not visible by the RTT camera,
but only by the original camera, and which will use the material.
¤ { Ogre::Entity* lAdditionalEntity = lScene->createEntity( lNameOfTheMesh ); lAdditionalEntity->setMaterialName( lMaterialName ); Ogre::SceneNode* lVisibleOnlyByFirstCam = lRootSceneNode->createChildSceneNode(); lVisibleOnlyByFirstCam->attachObject( lAdditionalEntity ); lVisibleOnlyByFirstCam->setPosition( 1.5,-0.5,-5); }
Note : if you want to be able to render a rtt to itself,
you will likely need either to use 'COPY' instead of 'FBO'
or to show an intermediate texture in the material.
(this is explained in 2 other tutorials).
Update of the Rtt
This update some internal counters and listeners.
Each render surface (window/rtt/mrt) that is 'auto-updated' has got its 'update' function called.
¤ lRoot->renderOneFrame();
Note : it is possible to update manually the rtt-texture,
by calling the lRenderTarget->update(); function.
// In this program, I create a texture, in which I will render the scene. // I create a material that uses this texture, and I apply it on a mesh. // This technique is called a Render-To-Texture (RTT). // Often the texture itself is called 'a RTT' too in that case. // // Description of the program with more details : // 1/ I create a camera // 2/ I create a manualobject cube (with texture coords). // 3/ I convert the manualobject to mesh. // 4/ I create a diagonal with 5 entities of that mesh. // 5/ I create a the rtt texture // 6/ I create a camera for this rtt texture. // 7/ I position this 'rttcamera' near the last entity, // looking to the entities. // 8/ I create a material that uses the rtt. // 9/ I create a cube entity that uses that material. // 10/ I put this entity such as it is visible for the first // camera, but not for the rtt camera. // 11/ I enter the infinite loop, waiting for windows closing. // I will use std::auto_ptr so I need to include 'memory'. // If you don't know std::auto_ptr, you should check some C++ tutorials/lesson on this matter. #include <memory> // I will check for std::exception. If you don't know what exception/try/catch means, you should learn C++ first. #include <exception> // These are some files that we need to include to use Ogre3D. Note that you can at the beginnings use directly "Ogre.h", to include lots of commonly used classes. #include "OGRE/OgreRoot.h" #include "OGRE/OgreRenderWindow.h" #include "OGRE/OgreWindowEventUtilities.h" #include "OGRE/OgreManualObject.h" #include "OGRE/OgreEntity.h" #include "OGRE/OgreMaterialManager.h" #include "OGRE/OgreHardwarePixelBuffer.h" //Here I include my other files, like the one for SimpleOgreInit... #include "SimpleOgreInit.h" #include "EasyDefines.h" // I declare a function in which I will make my whole application. // This is easy then to add more things later in that function. // The main will call this function and take care of the global try/catch. void AnOgreApplication() { // I construct my object that will allow me to initialise Ogre easily. OgreEasy::SimpleOgreInit lOgreInit; if(!lOgreInit.initOgre()) { std::cout<<"Impossible to init Ogre correctly."<<std::endl; return; } //I prefer to be able to access my variables directly. Ogre::Root* lRoot = lOgreInit.mRoot.get(); Ogre::RenderWindow* lWindow = lOgreInit.mWindow; // I create a scenemanager. This is like a 'Scene', in which I can put lights, 3d objects, etc... // The scenemanager contains an arborescent graph of 'SceneNodes'. To manage elements of the scene, // I will create SceneNodes in the SceneManager, and attach the elements to the scenenodes. // First parameter : I select a kind of SceneManager. This may have a huge impact on performance. // Depending on your scene, some are better than other. The default one does no optimization at all. // Second parameter : I give a name to the scenemanager. // Note : It is easy to have more than one scenemanager (If you got 2 different scenes for example). Ogre::SceneManager* lScene = lRoot->createSceneManager(Ogre::ST_GENERIC, "MyFirstSceneManager"); // The 'root SceneNode' is the only scenenode at the beginning in the SceneManager. // The SceneNodes can be seen as 'transformation' containers <=> it contains scale/position/rotation // of the objects. There is only 1 root scenenode, and all other scenenode are // its direct or indirect children. Ogre::SceneNode* lRootSceneNode = lScene->getRootSceneNode(); // I create a camera. It represent a 'point of view' in the scene. Ogre::Camera* lCamera = lScene->createCamera("MyFirstCamera"); // I attach the camera to a new SceneNode. It will be easier then to move it in the scene. Ogre::SceneNode* lCameraNode = lRootSceneNode->createChildSceneNode("MyFirstCameraNode"); lCameraNode->attachObject(lCamera); // We create a viewport on a part of the window. // A viewport is the link between 1 camera and 1 drawing surface (here the window). // I can then call 'update();' on it to make it draw the Scene from the camera. // You can have several viewports on 1 window. // Check API for details on parameters. float lViewportWidth = 0.88f; float lViewportHeight = 0.88f; float lViewportLeft = (1.0f - lViewportWidth) * 0.5f; float lViewportTop = (1.0f - lViewportHeight) * 0.5f; unsigned short lMainViewportZOrder = 100; Ogre::Viewport * vp = lWindow->addViewport(lCamera, lMainViewportZOrder, lViewportLeft, lViewportTop, lViewportWidth, lViewportHeight); // I want the viewport to draw the scene automatically // when I will call lWindow->update(); vp->setAutoUpdated(true); // I choose a color for this viewport. // I prefer to have a bright color, to detect holes in geometry etc... vp->setBackgroundColour(Ogre::ColourValue(1,0,1)); // I choose the visual ratio of the camera. To make it looks real, I want it the same as the viewport. float ratio = float(vp->getActualWidth()) / float(vp->getActualHeight()); lCamera->setAspectRatio(ratio); // I choose the clipping far& near planes. if far/near>2000, you can get z buffer problem. // eg : far/near = 10000/5 = 2000 . it's ok. // If (far/near)>2000 then you will likely get 'z fighting' issues. lCamera->setNearClipDistance(1.5f); lCamera->setFarClipDistance(3000.0f); // I want my window to be active lWindow->setActive(true); // I want to update myself the content of the window, not automatically. lWindow->setAutoUpdated(false); // Here I choose a name for a resource group. Then I create it. // Often, a resourcegroup is a good way to store the data corresponding // to a level in a game. Ogre::String lNameOfResourceGroup = "Mission 1 : Deliver Tom"; { Ogre::ResourceGroupManager& lRgMgr = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton(); lRgMgr.createResourceGroup(lNameOfResourceGroup); // The function 'initialiseResourceGroup' parses scripts if any in the locations. lRgMgr.initialiseResourceGroup(lNameOfResourceGroup); // Files that can be loaded are loaded. lRgMgr.loadResourceGroup(lNameOfResourceGroup); } Ogre::String lNameOfTheMesh = "MeshCube"; { // Here, I create a 3D element, by using the interface of ManualObject. // ManualObject is very close to the opengl old simple way to specify geometry. // There are other interfaces (Hardwarebuffers), you can check the ogremanual fo them and wiki. // For each vertex I will provide positions and attributes (normal, vertex color, texture coordinates...). // Then for each primitive (given its type : triangle, line, line strip etc...), // I give the corresponding group of vertex index. Ogre::ManualObject* lManualObject = NULL; { // The manualObject creation requires a name. Ogre::String lManualObjectName = "CubeWithAxes"; lManualObject = lScene->createManualObject(lManualObjectName); // Always tell if you want to update the 3D (vertex/index) later or not. bool lDoIWantToUpdateItLater = false; lManualObject->setDynamic(lDoIWantToUpdateItLater); // Here I create a cube in a first part with triangles, and then axes (in red/green/blue). // BaseWhiteNoLighting is the name of a material that already exist inside Ogre. // Ogre::RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST is a kind of primitive. float lSize = 0.7f; lManualObject->begin("BaseWhiteNoLighting", Ogre::RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST); { float cp = 1.0f * lSize ; float cm = -1.0f * lSize; lManualObject->position(cm, cp, cm);// a vertex lManualObject->colour(Ogre::ColourValue(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f,1.0f)); lManualObject->textureCoord(0.0, 1.0); lManualObject->position(cp, cp, cm);// a vertex lManualObject->colour(Ogre::ColourValue(1.0f,1.0f,0.0f,1.0f)); lManualObject->textureCoord(1.0, 1.0); lManualObject->position(cp, cm, cm);// a vertex lManualObject->colour(Ogre::ColourValue(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f)); lManualObject->textureCoord(1.0, 0.0); lManualObject->position(cm, cm, cm);// a vertex lManualObject->colour(Ogre::ColourValue(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f)); lManualObject->textureCoord(0.0, 0.0); lManualObject->position(cm, cp, cp);// a vertex lManualObject->colour(Ogre::ColourValue(0.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f)); lManualObject->textureCoord(0.0, 1.0); lManualObject->position(cp, cp, cp);// a vertex lManualObject->colour(Ogre::ColourValue(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f)); lManualObject->textureCoord(1.0, 1.0); lManualObject->position(cp, cm, cp);// a vertex lManualObject->colour(Ogre::ColourValue(1.0f,0.0f,1.0f,1.0f)); lManualObject->textureCoord(1.0, 0.0); lManualObject->position(cm, cm, cp);// a vertex lManualObject->colour(Ogre::ColourValue(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f,1.0f)); lManualObject->textureCoord(0.0, 0.0); // face behind / front lManualObject->triangle(0,1,2); lManualObject->triangle(2,3,0); lManualObject->triangle(4,6,5); lManualObject->triangle(6,4,7); // face top / down lManualObject->triangle(0,4,5); lManualObject->triangle(5,1,0); lManualObject->triangle(2,6,7); lManualObject->triangle(7,3,2); // face left / right lManualObject->triangle(0,7,4); lManualObject->triangle(7,0,3); lManualObject->triangle(1,5,6); lManualObject->triangle(6,2,1); } lManualObject->end(); // Here I have finished my ManualObject construction. // It is possible to add more begin()-end() thing, in order to use // different rendering operation types, or different materials in 1 ManualObject. } lManualObject->convertToMesh(lNameOfTheMesh, lNameOfResourceGroup); // Now I can create several entities using that mesh int lNumberOfEntities = 5; for(int iter = 0; iter < lNumberOfEntities; ++iter) { Ogre::Entity* lEntity = lScene->createEntity(lNameOfTheMesh); // Now I attach it to a scenenode, so that it becomes present in the scene. Ogre::SceneNode* lNode = lRootSceneNode->createChildSceneNode(); lNode->attachObject(lEntity); // I move the SceneNode so that it is visible to the camera. float lPositionOffset = float(1+ iter * 2) - (float(lNumberOfEntities)); lNode->translate(lPositionOffset, lPositionOffset, -10.0f); } } // Now I create a special texture. This texture allows to do what is called a // 'render to texture'. Which means that you can render your scene into // it, and then use this texture as any other in a material. // In order to keep a good framerate, I set its number of mipmaps to 0. Ogre::TextureManager& lTextureManager = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton(); Ogre::String lTextureName = "MyFirstRtt"; bool lGammaCorrection = false; unsigned int lAntiAliasing = 0; unsigned int lNumMipmaps = 0; Ogre::TexturePtr lTextureWithRtt = lTextureManager.createManual(lTextureName, lNameOfResourceGroup, Ogre::TEX_TYPE_2D, 512, 512, lNumMipmaps, Ogre::PF_R8G8B8, Ogre::TU_RENDERTARGET, 0, lGammaCorrection, lAntiAliasing); // Now I create the camera for the RTT // Note : I could have reused the first camera, // it's not a problem to have several 'RenderTarget' // on the same camera. // now I will link this texture to a camera, by creating a viewport in the texture. Ogre::RenderTexture* lRenderTarget = NULL; { Ogre::HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr lRttBuffer = lTextureWithRtt->getBuffer(); lRenderTarget = lRttBuffer->getRenderTarget(); lRenderTarget->setAutoUpdated(true); // I create a camera so that it has a beautiful '1' aspect ratio. Ogre::Camera * lRttCamera = lScene->createCamera("RttCamera"); lRttCamera->setNearClipDistance(1.5f); lRttCamera->setFarClipDistance(3000.0f); lRttCamera->setAspectRatio(1.0f); // I attach the camera to a node. Ogre::SceneNode* lRTTCameraNode = lRootSceneNode->createChildSceneNode(); lRTTCameraNode->attachObject(lRttCamera); // I position the node to see the entities differently. lRTTCameraNode->setPosition( 7, 7, -8); Ogre::Vector3 lTargetPointToLookAt( 0, 0, -10.0 ); lRTTCameraNode->lookAt( lTargetPointToLookAt, Ogre::Node::TS_WORLD); // I create a first blue viewport inside this rtt. Ogre::Viewport* lRttViewport1 = lRenderTarget->addViewport(lRttCamera, 50, 0.00f, 0.00f, 1.0f, 1.0f); lRttViewport1->setAutoUpdated(true); Ogre::ColourValue lBgColor1(0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0); lRttViewport1->setBackgroundColour(lBgColor1); } // now I create a material using this texture. Ogre::String lMaterialName = "MyRttMaterial"; { // I get a reference on the material manager, which is a singleton. Ogre::MaterialManager& lMaterialManager = Ogre::MaterialManager::getSingleton(); Ogre::MaterialPtr lMaterial = lMaterialManager.create(lMaterialName, lNameOfResourceGroup); Ogre::Technique * lTechnique = lMaterial->getTechnique(0); Ogre::Pass* lPass = lTechnique->getPass(0); Ogre::TextureUnitState* lTextureUnit = lPass->createTextureUnitState(); lTextureUnit->setTextureName(lTextureName); //I use no mipmap, and I just use some bilinear filtering on the result. lTextureUnit->setNumMipmaps(0); lTextureUnit->setTextureFiltering(Ogre::TFO_BILINEAR); } // I create an Entity which is not visible by the RTT camera, // but only by the original camera, and which will use the material. { Ogre::Entity* lAdditionalEntity = lScene->createEntity( lNameOfTheMesh ); lAdditionalEntity->setMaterialName( lMaterialName ); Ogre::SceneNode* lVisibleOnlyByFirstCam = lRootSceneNode->createChildSceneNode(); lVisibleOnlyByFirstCam->attachObject( lAdditionalEntity ); lVisibleOnlyByFirstCam->setPosition( 1.5,-0.5,-5); } // Note : if you want to be able to render a rtt to itself, // you will likely need either to use 'COPY' instead of 'FBO' // or to show an intermediate texture in the material. // (this is explained in 2 other tutorials). // cleaning of windows events managed by Ogre::WindowEventUtilities::... // I call it after a 'pause in window updating', in order to maintain smoothness. // Explanation : if you clicked 2000 times when the windows was being created, there are // at least 2000 messages created by the OS to listen to. This is made to clean them. lRoot->clearEventTimes(); // I wait until the window is closed. // The "message pump" thing is something you will see in most GUI application. // It allow the binding of messages between the application and the OS. // These messages are most of the time : keystroke, mouse moved, ... or window closed. // If I don't do this, the message are never caught, and the window won't close. while(!lOgreInit.mWindow->isClosed()) { // Drawings // the window update its content. // each viewport that is 'autoupdated' will be redrawn now, // in order given by its z-order. lWindow->update(false); // The drawn surface is then shown on the screen // (google "double buffering" if you want more details). // I always use vertical synchro. bool lVerticalSynchro = true; lWindow->swapBuffers(lVerticalSynchro); // This update some internal counters and listeners. // Each render surface (window/rtt/mrt) that is 'auto-updated' has got its 'update' function called. lRoot->renderOneFrame(); // Note : it is possible to update manually the rtt-texture, // by calling the lRenderTarget->update(); function. Ogre::WindowEventUtilities::messagePump(); } return; } int main() { try { AnOgreApplication(); std::cout<<"end of the program"<<std::endl; }catch(Ogre::Exception &e) { MWARNING("!!!!Ogre::Exception!!!!\n"<<e.what()); }catch(std::exception &e) { MWARNING("!!!!std::exception!!!!\n"<<e.what()); } return 0; }
Full program sources: