MOGRE dotSceneLoader        

This code can load a scene from a dotScene file and attach it to a SceneNode of a Mogre application.

For questions use this forum thread.


DotScene is a standardized XML file format (extension .scene) and can describe a complete scene. It does'nt contain any mesh data, texture data, etc. It just contains elements that describe a scene.

There are scene exporters for modeling applications like Blender, 3D Studio, etc.


Originally this code is a port of the New DotScene Loader (done by BenJ in April 2007).

Later the C++ code and this C# port got different updates.

User smiley80 added camera import code to the Mogre exporter. But removed the parts which are not used by the Blender exporter at the moment.

This code was tested with Blender dotScene exporter. If there are problems with files generated by other programs, please report it. You also can try the original port.

For updates you can look to the current code of New DotScene Loader where more features are implemented.

Using example

Helper.DotSceneLoader dsl = new Helper.DotSceneLoader();
SceneNode roomNode = sceneMgr.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
dsl.ParseDotScene("room1.scene", ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, sceneMgr, roomNode);

room1.scene is the name of the dotscene file

ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME is the name of the group the dotscene file and the meshes are loaded in

sceneMgr is the SceneManager

roomNode is the SceneNode the scene gets attended to

See also


Source code

namespace Helper
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Xml;
using Mogre;

public class DotSceneLoader
#region Fields

public List<string> DynamicObjects; //String
public List<string> StaticObjects; //String

protected SceneNode mAttachNode;
protected SceneManager mSceneMgr;
protected String m_sGroupName;
protected String m_sPrependNode;

#endregion Fields

#region Constructors

public DotSceneLoader()


#endregion Constructors

#region Methods

public void ParseDotScene(String SceneName, String groupName, SceneManager yourSceneMgr)
   ParseDotScene(SceneName, groupName, yourSceneMgr, null, "");

public void ParseDotScene(String SceneName, String groupName, SceneManager yourSceneMgr, SceneNode pAttachNode)
   ParseDotScene(SceneName, groupName, yourSceneMgr, pAttachNode, "");

public void ParseDotScene(String SceneName, String groupName, SceneManager yourSceneMgr, SceneNode pAttachNode, String sPrependNode)
   // set up shared object values
   m_sGroupName = groupName;
   mSceneMgr = yourSceneMgr;
   m_sPrependNode = sPrependNode;
   this.StaticObjects = new List<string>();
   this.DynamicObjects = new List<string>();

   XmlDocument XMLDoc = null;
   XmlElement XMLRoot;

   DataStreamPtr pStream = ResourceGroupManager.Singleton.OpenResource(SceneName, groupName);

   String data = pStream.AsString;
   // Open the .scene File
   XMLDoc = new XmlDocument();

   // Validate the File
   XMLRoot = XMLDoc.DocumentElement;
   if (XMLRoot.Name != "scene")
      LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("[DotSceneLoader] Error: Invalid .scene File. Missing <scene>");

   // figure out where to attach any nodes we create
   mAttachNode = pAttachNode;
   if (mAttachNode == null)
      mAttachNode = mSceneMgr.RootSceneNode;

   // Process the scene

protected float ParseFloat(String s)
   NumberFormatInfo provider = new NumberFormatInfo();
   provider.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
   return float.Parse(s, provider);

protected String getAttrib(XmlElement XMLNode, String attrib)
   return getAttrib(XMLNode, attrib, "");

protected String getAttrib(XmlElement XMLNode, String attrib, String defaultValue)
   if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(XMLNode.GetAttribute(attrib)))
      return XMLNode.GetAttribute(attrib);
      return defaultValue;

protected bool getAttribBool(XmlElement XMLNode, String parameter)
   return getAttribBool(XMLNode, parameter, false);

protected bool getAttribBool(XmlElement XMLNode, String attrib, bool defaultValue)
   if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(XMLNode.GetAttribute(attrib)))
      return defaultValue;

   if (XMLNode.GetAttribute(attrib) == "true")
      return true;

   return false;

protected float getAttribReal(XmlElement XMLNode, String parameter)
   return getAttribReal(XMLNode, parameter, 0.0f);

protected float getAttribReal(XmlElement XMLNode, String attrib, float defaultValue)
   if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(XMLNode.GetAttribute(attrib)))
      return ParseFloat(XMLNode.GetAttribute(attrib));
      return defaultValue;

protected ColourValue parseColour(XmlElement XMLNode)
   return new ColourValue(
      string.IsNullOrEmpty(XMLNode.GetAttribute("a")) == false ? ParseFloat(XMLNode.GetAttribute("a")) : 1

protected Quaternion parseQuaternion(XmlElement XMLNode)
   Quaternion orientation = new Quaternion();

   orientation.x = ParseFloat(XMLNode.GetAttribute("x"));
   orientation.y = ParseFloat(XMLNode.GetAttribute("y"));
   orientation.z = ParseFloat(XMLNode.GetAttribute("z"));
   orientation.w = ParseFloat(XMLNode.GetAttribute("w"));

   return orientation;

protected Quaternion parseRotation(XmlElement XMLNode)
   Quaternion orientation = new Quaternion();

   orientation.x = ParseFloat(XMLNode.GetAttribute("qx"));
   orientation.y = ParseFloat(XMLNode.GetAttribute("qy"));
   orientation.z = ParseFloat(XMLNode.GetAttribute("qz"));
   orientation.w = ParseFloat(XMLNode.GetAttribute("qw"));

   return orientation;

protected Vector3 parseVector3(XmlElement XMLNode)
   return new Vector3(

protected void processCamera(XmlElement XMLNode, SceneNode pParent)
   // Process attributes
   String name = getAttrib(XMLNode, "name");

   // Create the light
   Camera pCamera = mSceneMgr.CreateCamera(name);
   if (pParent != null)

   float pFov = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "fov", 45);
   pCamera.FOVy = new Degree(pFov);

   String sValue = getAttrib(XMLNode, "projectionType", "perspective");
   if (sValue == "perspective")
      pCamera.ProjectionType = ProjectionType.PT_PERSPECTIVE;
   else if (sValue == "orthographic")
      pCamera.ProjectionType = ProjectionType.PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC;

   XmlElement pElement;

   // Process normal (?)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("clipping");
   if(pElement != null)
      // Blender
      float nearDist = getAttribReal(pElement, "nearPlaneDist");
      if (nearDist == 0)
         // 3ds
         nearDist = getAttribReal(pElement, "near");
      pCamera.NearClipDistance = nearDist;

      // Blender
      float farDist =  getAttribReal(pElement, "farPlaneDist");
      if (farDist == 0)
         // 3ds
         farDist = getAttribReal(pElement, "far");
      pCamera.FarClipDistance = farDist;

protected void processEntity(XmlElement XMLNode, SceneNode pParent)
   // Process attributes
   String name = getAttrib(XMLNode, "name");
   String meshFile = getAttrib(XMLNode, "meshFile");

   bool bstatic = getAttribBool(XMLNode, "static", false);
   if (bstatic)

   bool bvisible = getAttribBool(XMLNode, "visible", true);
   bool bcastshadows = getAttribBool(XMLNode, "castShadows", true);
   float brenderingDistance = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "renderingDistance", 0);

   // Create the entity
   Entity pEntity = null;
      MeshPtr mesh = MeshManager.Singleton.Load(meshFile, m_sGroupName);
      ushort src, dest;
      mesh.SuggestTangentVectorBuildParams(VertexElementSemantic.VES_TANGENT, out src, out dest);
      mesh.BuildTangentVectors(VertexElementSemantic.VES_TANGENT, src, dest);

      pEntity = mSceneMgr.CreateEntity(name, meshFile);
      pEntity.Visible = bvisible;
      pEntity.CastShadows = bcastshadows;
      pEntity.RenderingDistance = brenderingDistance;
      XmlElement pElement;
      // Process subentities (?)
      pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("subentities");
      if(pElement != null)
         pElement = (XmlElement)pElement.FirstChild;
         while (pElement != null)
            string mat = getAttrib(pElement, "materialName");
            pElement = (XmlElement)pElement.NextSibling;
   catch (Exception e)
      LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("[DotSceneLoader] Error loading an entity!" + e.Message);


protected void processEnvironment(XmlElement XMLNode)
   XmlElement pElement;

   // Process fog (?)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("fog");
   if (pElement != null)

   // Process colourAmbient (?)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("colourAmbient");
   if (pElement != null)
      mSceneMgr.AmbientLight = parseColour(pElement);

   // Process colourBackground (?)
   //! @todo Set the background colour of all viewports (RenderWindow has to be provided then)
   //            pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("colourBackground");
   //            if (pElement != null)
   //                ;//mSceneMgr->set(parseColour(pElement));

   //            // Process userDataReference (?)
   //            pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("userData");
   //            if (pElement != null)
   //                processUserDataReference(pElement);

protected void processFog(XmlElement XMLNode)
   // Process attributes
   float linearStart = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "linearStart", 0.0f);
   float linearEnd = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "linearEnd", 1.0f);

   FogMode mode = FogMode.FOG_NONE;
   String sMode = getAttrib(XMLNode, "mode");
   // only linear atm
   if(sMode == "none")
      mode = FogMode.FOG_NONE;
   else if(sMode == "exp")
      mode = FogMode.FOG_EXP;
   else if(sMode == "exp2")
      mode = FogMode.FOG_EXP2;
   else if(sMode == "linear")
      mode = FogMode.FOG_LINEAR;

   XmlElement pElement;

   // Process colourDiffuse (?)
   ColourValue colourDiffuse = ColourValue.White;
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("colourDiffuse");
   if(pElement != null)
      colourDiffuse = parseColour(pElement);

   // Setup the fog
   mSceneMgr.SetFog(mode, colourDiffuse, 0.001f, linearStart, linearEnd);

protected void processLight(XmlElement XMLNode, SceneNode pParent)
   // Process attributes
   String name = getAttrib(XMLNode, "name");

   // Create the light
   Light pLight = mSceneMgr.CreateLight(name);
   if (pParent != null)

   String sValue = getAttrib(XMLNode, "type");
   if (sValue == "point")
      pLight.Type = Light.LightTypes.LT_POINT;
   else if (sValue == "directional")
      pLight.Type = Light.LightTypes.LT_DIRECTIONAL;
   else if (sValue == "spotLight")
      pLight.Type = Light.LightTypes.LT_SPOTLIGHT;

   // only set if Lamp is Spotlight (Blender)
   bool castShadow = true;
   if (XMLNode.HasAttribute("castShadow"))
      castShadow = getAttribBool(XMLNode, "castShadow", true);
   else if (XMLNode.HasAttribute("castShadows"))
      castShadow = getAttribBool(XMLNode, "castShadows", true);
   pLight.CastShadows = castShadow;

   XmlElement pElement;

   // Process normal (?)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("normal");
   if (pElement != null)
      pLight.Direction = parseVector3(pElement);

   // Process colourDiffuse (?)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("colourDiffuse");
   if (pElement != null)
      pLight.DiffuseColour = parseColour(pElement);

   // Process colourSpecular (?)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("colourSpecular");
   if (pElement != null)
      pLight.SpecularColour = parseColour(pElement);

   // Process lightRange (?)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("lightRange");
   if (pElement != null)
      processLightRange(pElement, pLight);

   // Process lightAttenuation (?)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("lightAttenuation");
   if (pElement != null)
      processLightAttenuation(pElement, pLight);

protected void processLightAttenuation(XmlElement XMLNode, Light pLight)
   // Process attributes
   float range = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "range");
   float constant = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "constant");
   float linear = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "linear");
   float quadratic = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "quadratic");

   // Setup the light attenuation
   pLight.SetAttenuation(range, constant, linear, quadratic);

protected void processLightRange(XmlElement XMLNode, Light pLight)
   // Process attributes
   float inner = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "inner");
   float outer = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "outer");
   float falloff = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "falloff", 1.0f);

   // Setup the light range
   pLight.SetSpotlightRange(new Radian((Degree)inner), new Radian((Degree)outer), falloff);

protected void processNode(XmlElement XMLNode, SceneNode pParent)
   // Construct the node's name
   String name = m_sPrependNode + getAttrib(XMLNode, "name");

   // Create the scene node
   SceneNode pNode;
   if (name.Length == 0)
      // Let Ogre choose the name
      if (pParent != null)
         pNode = pParent.CreateChildSceneNode();
         pNode = mAttachNode.CreateChildSceneNode();
      // Provide the name
      if (pParent != null)
         pNode = pParent.CreateChildSceneNode(name);
         pNode = mAttachNode.CreateChildSceneNode(name);

   // Process other attributes
   XmlElement pElement;

   // Process position (?)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("position");
   if (pElement != null)
      pNode.Position = parseVector3(pElement);

   // Process quaternion (?)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("quaternion");
   if (pElement != null)
      pNode.Orientation = parseQuaternion(pElement);

   // Process rotation (?)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("rotation");
   if (pElement != null)
      pNode.Orientation = parseRotation(pElement);
   // Process scale (?)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("scale");
   if (pElement != null)

   // Process entity (*)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("entity");
   if (pElement != null)
      processEntity(pElement, pNode);

   // Process light (*)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("light");
   if (pElement != null)
      processLight(pElement, pNode);

   // Process plane (*)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("plane");
   while (pElement != null)
      processPlane(pElement, pNode);
      pElement = (XmlElement)pElement.NextSibling;

   // Process camera (*)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("camera");
   if (pElement != null)
      processCamera(pElement, pNode);

   // Process userDataReference (?)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("userData");
   if (pElement != null)
      processUserDataReference(pElement, pNode);

   // Process childnodes
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("node");
   while (pElement != null)
      processNode(pElement, pNode);
      pElement = (XmlElement)pElement.NextSibling;

protected void processPlane(XmlElement XMLNode, SceneNode pParent)

   string name = getAttrib(XMLNode, "name");
   float distance  = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "distance");
   float width = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "width");
   float height = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "height");
   int xSegments = (int)getAttribReal(XMLNode, "xSegments");
   int ySegments = (int)getAttribReal(XMLNode, "ySegments");
   int numTexCoordSets = (int)getAttribReal(XMLNode, "numTexCoordSets");
   float uTile = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "uTile");
   float vTile = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "vTile");
   string material = getAttrib(XMLNode, "material");
   bool normals = getAttribBool(XMLNode, "normals");
   bool movablePlane = getAttribBool(XMLNode, "movablePlane");
   bool castShadows = getAttribBool(XMLNode, "castShadows");
   bool receiveShadows = getAttribBool(XMLNode, "receiveShadows");
   Vector3 normal= Vector3.ZERO;
   XmlElement pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("normal");
   if (pElement != null)
      normal = parseVector3(pElement);
   Vector3 upVector = Vector3.UNIT_Y;
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("upVector");
   if (pElement != null)
      upVector = parseVector3(pElement);
   Plane pPlane = new Plane(normal, upVector);
   Entity pEntity= null;
      MeshPtr ptr = MeshManager.Singleton.CreatePlane(name, m_sGroupName, pPlane, width, height, xSegments, ySegments, normals, (ushort) numTexCoordSets, uTile, vTile, upVector);
      pEntity = mSceneMgr.CreateEntity(name, name);
   catch (Exception e)
      LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("[DotSceneLoader] Error loading an entity!" + e.Message);


protected void processNodes(XmlElement XMLNode)
   XmlElement pElement;

   // Process node (*)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLNode.SelectSingleNode("node");
   while (pElement != null)
      processNode(pElement, null);
      XmlNode nextNode = pElement.NextSibling;
      pElement = nextNode as XmlElement;
      while(pElement==null && nextNode!=null)
         nextNode = nextNode.NextSibling;
         pElement = nextNode as XmlElement;

protected void processScene(XmlElement XMLRoot)
   // Process the scene parameters
   String version = getAttrib(XMLRoot, "formatVersion", "unknown");

   String message = "[DotSceneLoader] Parsing dotScene file with version " + version;


   XmlElement pElement;

   // Process nodes (?)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLRoot.SelectSingleNode("nodes");
   if (pElement != null)

   // Process environment (?)
   pElement = (XmlElement)XMLRoot.SelectSingleNode("environment");
   if (pElement != null)
   // Process externals (?)
   //         pElement = (XmlElement)XMLRoot.SelectSingleNode("externals");
   //         if (pElement != null)
   //            processExternals(pElement);

protected void processUserDataReference(XmlElement XMLNode, SceneNode pNode)
   // TODO

#endregion Methods

Source code more comprehensive

#region Using

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Xml;
using Mogre;


namespace RMOgre
  /// <summary>
  /// Classe permettant le chargement d'un scene Ogre
  /// </summary>
  public class DotSceneLoader
    #region Membres

    private readonly List<LookTarget> lookTargets = new List<LookTarget>();
    private readonly List<TrackTarget> trackTargets = new List<TrackTarget>();

    /// <summary>
    /// SceneNode attachée
    /// </summary>
    protected SceneNode sceneNodeAttach;

    /// <summary>
    /// SceneManager
    /// </summary>
    protected SceneManager sceneManager;

    /// <summary>
    /// nom groupe
    /// </summary>
    protected string sGroupName;

    /// <summary>
    /// node
    /// </summary>
    protected string sPrependNode;

    private Camera camera;


    #region Structures

    /// <summary>
    /// Structure permettant de stocker les noeuds Look pour affectation a posteriori
    /// </summary>
    private struct LookTarget
      private readonly SceneNode sourceNode;
      private readonly Camera sourceCamera;
      private string nodeName;
      private Node.TransformSpace relativeTo;
      private bool isPositionSet;
      private Vector3 position;
      private Vector3 localDirection;

      public Camera SourceCamera
        get { return sourceCamera; }

      public string NodeName
        get { return nodeName; }
        set { nodeName = value; }

      public Node.TransformSpace RelativeTo
        get { return relativeTo; }
        set { relativeTo = value; }

      public bool IsPositionSet
        get { return isPositionSet; }
        set { isPositionSet = value; }

      public Vector3 Position
        get { return position; }
        set { position = value; }

      public Vector3 LocalDirection
        get { return localDirection; }
        set { localDirection = value; }

      public SceneNode SourceNode
        get { return sourceNode; }

      /// <summary>
      ///  * Initializes the LookTarget for a scene node or camera.
      ///      * Either sourceNode or sourceCamera must be non-null
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="_sourceNode">Noeud</param>
      /// <param name="_sourceCamera">Camera</param>
      public LookTarget(SceneNode _sourceNode, Camera _sourceCamera)
        sourceNode = _sourceNode;
        sourceCamera = _sourceCamera;
        relativeTo = Node.TransformSpace.TS_LOCAL;
        isPositionSet = false;
        position = Vector3.ZERO;
        localDirection = Vector3.NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z;
        nodeName = null;

    /// <summary>
    /// Structure permettant de stocker les noeuds target pour affectation a posteriori
    /// </summary>
    private struct TrackTarget
      private readonly SceneNode sourceNode;
      private readonly Camera sourceCamera;
      private string nodeName;
      private Vector3 offset;
      private Vector3 localDirection;

      public Camera SourceCamera
        get { return sourceCamera; }

      public SceneNode SourceNode
        get { return sourceNode; }

      public string NodeName
        get { return nodeName; }
        set { nodeName = value; }

      public Vector3 LocalDirection
        get { return localDirection; }
        set { localDirection = value; }

      public Vector3 Offset
        get { return offset; }
        set { offset = value; }

      /// <summary>
      /// Constructeur
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="_sourceNode">Noeud</param>
      /// <param name="_sourceCamera">Camera</param>
      public TrackTarget(SceneNode _sourceNode, Camera _sourceCamera)
        sourceNode = _sourceNode;
        sourceCamera = _sourceCamera;
        offset = Vector3.ZERO;
        localDirection = Vector3.NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z;
        nodeName = null;


    #region Accesseurs

    /// <summary>
    /// Fenêtre de rendu
    /// </summary>
    protected RenderWindow RenderWindow { get; set; }


    /// <summary>
    /// Declaration d'une scene
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_sSceneName">Fichier à charger dans les ressources</param>
    /// <param name="_sGroupName">Groupe de ressources associées</param>
    /// <param name="_sceneManager">Scene manager associé</param>
    public void ParseDotScene(string _sSceneName, string _sGroupName, SceneManager _sceneManager)
      ParseDotScene(_sSceneName, _sGroupName, _sceneManager, null, "");

    /// <summary>
    /// Declaration d'une scene
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_sSceneName">Fichier à charger dans les ressources</param>
    /// <param name="_sGroupName">Groupe de ressources associées</param>
    /// <param name="_sceneManager">Scene manager associé</param>
    /// <param name="_sceneNode">Noeud à laquelle la scene est rattachée</param>
    public void ParseDotScene(string _sSceneName, string _sGroupName, SceneManager _sceneManager, SceneNode _sceneNode)
      ParseDotScene(_sSceneName, _sGroupName, _sceneManager, _sceneNode, "");

    /// <summary>
    /// Declaration d'une scene
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_sSceneName">Fichier à charger dans les ressources</param>
    /// <param name="_sGroupName">Groupe de ressources associées</param>
    /// <param name="_sceneManager">Scene manager associé</param>
    /// <param name="_sceneNode">Noeud à laquelle la scene est rattachée</param>
    /// <param name="_sPrependNode">Préfixe du noeud</param>
    public void ParseDotScene(string _sSceneName, string _sGroupName, SceneManager _sceneManager, SceneNode _sceneNode, string _sPrependNode)
      ParseDotScene(_sSceneName, _sGroupName, _sceneManager, _sceneNode, _sPrependNode, null);

    /// <summary>
    /// Declaration d'une scene
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_sSceneName">Fichier à charger dans les ressources</param>
    /// <param name="_sGroupName">Groupe de ressources associées</param>
    /// <param name="_sceneManager">Scene manager associé</param>
    /// <param name="_sceneNodeAttach">Noeud à laquelle la scene est rattachée</param>
    /// <param name="_sPrependNode">Préfixe du noeud</param>
    /// <param name="_renderWindow">Objet de rendu</param>
    public void ParseDotScene(string _sSceneName, string _sGroupName, SceneManager _sceneManager, SceneNode _sceneNodeAttach, string _sPrependNode, RenderWindow _renderWindow)
      RenderWindow = _renderWindow;

      // set up shared object values
      sGroupName = _sGroupName;
      sceneManager = _sceneManager;
      sPrependNode = _sPrependNode;
      //this.StaticObjects = new List<string>();
      //this.DynamicObjects = new List<string>();

      DataStreamPtr pStream = ResourceGroupManager.Singleton.OpenResource(_sSceneName, _sGroupName);

      string data = pStream.AsString;
      // Open the .scene File
      XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

      // Validate the File
      XmlElement xmlRoot = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;
      if (xmlRoot != null && xmlRoot.Name != "scene")
        LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("[DotSceneLoader] Error: Invalid .scene File. Missing <scene>");

      // figure out where to attach any nodes we create
      sceneNodeAttach = _sceneNodeAttach ?? sceneManager.RootSceneNode;

      // Process the scene

    /// <summary>
    /// Lecture d'un nombre a virgule
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_s">nombre format texte</param>
    /// <returns>float</returns>
    protected float ParseFloat(string _s)
      NumberFormatInfo provider = new NumberFormatInfo
                                      NumberDecimalSeparator = "."
      return float.Parse(_s, provider);

    /// <summary>
    /// récupération chaine
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sAttrib">attribut</param>
    /// <returns>string</returns>
    protected string GetAttrib(XmlElement _xmlElement, string _sAttrib)
      return GetAttrib(_xmlElement, _sAttrib, "");

    /// <summary>
    /// récupération chaine
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sAttrib">attribut</param>
    /// <param name="_sDefaultValue">valeur par défaut</param>
    /// <returns>string</returns>
    protected string GetAttrib(XmlElement _xmlElement, string _sAttrib, string _sDefaultValue)
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_xmlElement.GetAttribute(_sAttrib))) return _xmlElement.GetAttribute(_sAttrib);
      return _sDefaultValue;

    /// <summary>
    /// récupération bolléen
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sParameter">attribut</param>
    /// <returns>bool</returns>
    protected bool GetAttribBool(XmlElement _xmlElement, string _sParameter)
      return GetAttribBool(_xmlElement, _sParameter, false);

    /// <summary>
    /// récupération bolléen
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sAttrib">attribut</param>
    /// <param name="_bDefaultValue">valeur par défaut</param>
    /// <returns>bool</returns>
    protected bool GetAttribBool(XmlElement _xmlElement, string _sAttrib, bool _bDefaultValue)
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_xmlElement.GetAttribute(_sAttrib)))
        return _bDefaultValue;

      if (_xmlElement.GetAttribute(_sAttrib) == "true")
        return true;

      return false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Récupération SceneNode
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sParameter">paramètres</param>
    /// <returns>SceneNode</returns>
    protected SceneNode GetAttribSceneNode(XmlElement _xmlElement, string _sParameter)
      return GetAttribSceneNode(_xmlElement, _sParameter, null);

    /// <summary>
    /// Récupération SceneNode
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sAttrib">attributs</param>
    /// <param name="_snDefaultValue">SceneNode par défaut</param>
    /// <returns>SceneNode</returns>
    protected SceneNode GetAttribSceneNode(XmlElement _xmlElement, string _sAttrib, SceneNode _snDefaultValue)
      string sNodeName = _xmlElement.GetAttribute(_sAttrib);
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sNodeName)) return _snDefaultValue;

      if (!sceneManager.HasSceneNode(sNodeName)) return _snDefaultValue;
      return sceneManager.GetSceneNode(sNodeName);

    /// <summary>
    /// Lecture attribut nombre a virgule
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sParameter">attribut</param>
    /// <returns>float</returns>
    protected float GetAttribReal(XmlElement _xmlElement, string _sParameter)
      return GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, _sParameter, 0.0f);

    /// <summary>
    /// Lecture attribut nombre a virgule
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sAttrib">attribut</param>
    /// <param name="_fDefaultValue">valeur par défaut</param>
    /// <returns>float</returns>
    protected float GetAttribReal(XmlElement _xmlElement, string _sAttrib, float _fDefaultValue)
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_xmlElement.GetAttribute(_sAttrib))) return ParseFloat(_xmlElement.GetAttribute(_sAttrib));
      return _fDefaultValue;

    /// <summary>
    /// Lecture uint
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sParameter">attribut</param>
    /// <returns>uint</returns>
    protected uint GetAttribUInt(XmlElement _xmlElement, string _sParameter)
      return GetAttribUInt(_xmlElement, _sParameter, 0);

    /// <summary>
    /// Lecture uint
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sAttrib">attribut</param>
    /// <param name="_uiDefaultValue">valeur par défaut</param>
    /// <returns>uint</returns>
    protected uint GetAttribUInt(XmlElement _xmlElement, string _sAttrib, uint _uiDefaultValue)
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_xmlElement.GetAttribute(_sAttrib))) return uint.Parse(_xmlElement.GetAttribute(_sAttrib));
      return _uiDefaultValue;

    /// <summary>
    /// Récupération InterpolationMode
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sAttrib">attribut</param>
    /// <returns>InterpolationMode</returns>
    protected Animation.InterpolationMode GetAttribAnimationInterpolationMode(XmlElement _xmlElement, string _sAttrib)
      return GetAttribAnimationInterpolationMode(_xmlElement, _sAttrib, Animation.InterpolationMode.IM_LINEAR);

    /// <summary>
    ///  Récupération InterpolationMode
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sAttrib">attribut</param>
    /// <param name="_interpolationModeDefaultValue">InterpolationMode par défaut</param>
    /// <returns>InterpolationMode</returns>
    protected Animation.InterpolationMode GetAttribAnimationInterpolationMode(XmlElement _xmlElement, string _sAttrib, Animation.InterpolationMode _interpolationModeDefaultValue)
      string sInterpolationModeText = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, _sAttrib);
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sInterpolationModeText))
        sInterpolationModeText = sInterpolationModeText.ToLower();
        if (sInterpolationModeText == "linear")
          return Animation.InterpolationMode.IM_LINEAR;
        if (sInterpolationModeText == "spline")
          return Animation.InterpolationMode.IM_SPLINE;

        LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("Invalid animation interpolation mode specified: " + sInterpolationModeText);
      return _interpolationModeDefaultValue;

    /// <summary>
    ///  Récupération RotationInterpolationMode
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sAttrib">attribut</param>
    /// <returns>RotationInterpolationMode</returns>
    protected Animation.RotationInterpolationMode GetAttribAnimationRotationInterpolationMode(XmlElement _xmlElement, string _sAttrib)
      return GetAttribAnimationRotationInterpolationMode(_xmlElement, _sAttrib, Animation.RotationInterpolationMode.RIM_LINEAR);

    /// <summary>
    ///  Récupération RotationInterpolationMode
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sAttrib">attribut</param>
    /// <param name="_rotationInterpolationModeModeDefaultValue">RotationInterpolationMode par défaut</param>
    /// <returns>RotationInterpolationMode</returns>
    protected Animation.RotationInterpolationMode GetAttribAnimationRotationInterpolationMode(XmlElement _xmlElement, string _sAttrib, Animation.RotationInterpolationMode _rotationInterpolationModeModeDefaultValue)
      string sRotationInterpolationMode = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, _sAttrib);
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sRotationInterpolationMode))
        sRotationInterpolationMode = sRotationInterpolationMode.ToLower();
        if (sRotationInterpolationMode == "linear")
          return Animation.RotationInterpolationMode.RIM_LINEAR;
        if (sRotationInterpolationMode == "spherical")
          return Animation.RotationInterpolationMode.RIM_SPHERICAL;

        LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("Invalid animation rotation interpolation mode specified: " + sRotationInterpolationMode);
      return _rotationInterpolationModeModeDefaultValue;

    /// <summary>
    /// Lecture couleur
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <returns>ColourValue</returns>
    protected ColourValue ParseColour(XmlElement _xmlElement)
      return new ColourValue(
        string.IsNullOrEmpty(_xmlElement.GetAttribute("a")) == false ? ParseFloat(_xmlElement.GetAttribute("a")) : 1

    /// <summary>
    /// Lecture quaternion
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <returns>Quaternion</returns>
    protected Quaternion ParseQuaternion(XmlElement _xmlElement)
      Quaternion orientation = new Quaternion
                                   x = ParseFloat(_xmlElement.GetAttribute("x")),
                                   y = ParseFloat(_xmlElement.GetAttribute("y")),
                                   z = ParseFloat(_xmlElement.GetAttribute("z")),
                                   w = ParseFloat(_xmlElement.GetAttribute("w"))

      return orientation;

    /// <summary>
    /// Lecture quaternion de rotation
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <returns>Quaternion</returns>
    protected Quaternion ParseRotation(XmlElement _xmlElement)
      Quaternion orientation = new Quaternion
                                   x = ParseFloat(_xmlElement.GetAttribute("qx")),
                                   y = ParseFloat(_xmlElement.GetAttribute("qy")),
                                   z = ParseFloat(_xmlElement.GetAttribute("qz")),
                                   w = ParseFloat(_xmlElement.GetAttribute("qw"))

      return orientation;

    /// <summary>
    /// Lecture d'un Vector3
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <returns>Vector3</returns>
    protected Vector3 ParseVector3(XmlElement _xmlElement)
      return new Vector3(

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement caméra
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sceneNodeParent">SceneNode parent</param>
    protected void ProcessCamera(XmlElement _xmlElement, SceneNode _sceneNodeParent)
      #region Defaut

      // Process attributes
      string name = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "name");

      // Create the camera
      camera = sceneManager.CreateCamera(name);

      if (_sceneNodeParent != null)

      //camera.AspectRatio = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "aspectRatio", 4 / 3f);

      float pFov = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "fov", Mogre.Math.PI / 4);
      camera.FOVy = new Radian(pFov);

      string sValue = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "projectionType", "perspective");
      if (sValue == "perspective") camera.ProjectionType = ProjectionType.PT_PERSPECTIVE;
      else if (sValue == "orthographic") camera.ProjectionType = ProjectionType.PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC;


      foreach (XmlElement xmlElementChild in _xmlElement.ChildNodes)
        switch (xmlElementChild.Name)
          case "rotation":
          case "clipping":
            float fNearDist = GetAttribReal(xmlElementChild, "nearPlaneDist");
            // ReSharper disable CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator
            if (fNearDist == 0)
              // 3ds
              fNearDist = GetAttribReal(xmlElementChild, "near");
            camera.NearClipDistance = fNearDist;
            // Blender
            float fFarDist = GetAttribReal(xmlElementChild, "farPlaneDist");
            if (fFarDist == 0)
              // 3ds
              fFarDist = GetAttribReal(xmlElementChild, "far");
            // ReSharper restore CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator
            camera.FarClipDistance = fFarDist;
          case "lookTarget":
            LoadLookTarget(xmlElementChild, null, camera);
          case "trackTarget":
            LoadTrackTarget(xmlElementChild, null, camera);

      //xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("target");
      //if (xmlElement != null)
      //  bool bEnable = GetAttribBool(xmlElement, "enabled", true);
      //  Vector3 v3Offset = new Vector3(GetAttribReal(xmlElement, "offset_x", 0), GetAttribReal(xmlElement, "offset_y", 0), GetAttribReal(xmlElement, "offset_z", 0));
      //  SceneNode pNode = GetAttribSceneNode(xmlElement, "node_name", null);
      //  if (pNode != null) camera.SetAutoTracking(bEnable, pNode, v3Offset);

      //xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("lookat");
      //if (xmlElement != null)
      //  Vector3 v3Offset = new Vector3(GetAttribReal(xmlElement, "x", 0), GetAttribReal(xmlElement, "y", 0), GetAttribReal(xmlElement, "z", 0));
      //  camera.LookAt(v3Offset);

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement d'une entity
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sceneNodeParent">SceneNode parent</param>
    protected void ProcessEntity(XmlElement _xmlElement, SceneNode _sceneNodeParent)
      Entity entity = GetEntity(_xmlElement);
      if (entity != null) _sceneNodeParent.AttachObject(entity);

    /// <summary>
    /// Retourne l'entity défini dans le xmlElement
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private Entity GetEntity(XmlElement _xmlElement)
      Entity entity=null;
      // Process attributes
      string name = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "name");
      string meshFile = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "meshFile");

      bool bvisible = GetAttribBool(_xmlElement, "visible", true);
      bool bcastshadows = GetAttribBool(_xmlElement, "castShadows", true);
      float brenderingDistance = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "renderingDistance", 0);
      //bool bReceiveShadows = GetAttribBool(_xmlElement, "receiveShadows", true);

      // Create the entity
        MeshPtr mesh = MeshManager.Singleton.Load(meshFile, sGroupName);
          ushort src, dest;
          mesh.SuggestTangentVectorBuildParams(VertexElementSemantic.VES_TANGENT, out src, out dest);
          mesh.BuildTangentVectors(VertexElementSemantic.VES_TANGENT, src, dest);

        entity = sceneManager.CreateEntity(name, meshFile);
        entity.Visible = bvisible;
        entity.CastShadows = bcastshadows;
        //entity.ReceivesShadows = bReceiveShadows; //No setter
        entity.RenderingDistance = brenderingDistance;

        // Process subentities (?)
        ProcessSubEntities(_xmlElement, entity);
        ProcessBoneAttachments(_xmlElement, entity);
      catch (Exception e)
        LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("[DotSceneLoader] Error loading an entity!" + e.Message);
      return entity;

    /// <summary>
    /// Gère les subEntities
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement"></param>
    /// <param name="_entity"></param>
    private void ProcessSubEntities(XmlElement _xmlElement, Entity _entity)
      XmlElement xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("subentities");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        xmlElement = (XmlElement)xmlElement.FirstChild;
        while (xmlElement != null)
          string mat = GetAttrib(xmlElement, "materialName");
          _entity.GetSubEntity(GetAttribUInt(xmlElement, "index")).SetMaterialName(mat);
          xmlElement = (XmlElement)xmlElement.NextSibling;

    /// <summary>
    /// Créer les attachements
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement"></param>
    /// <param name="_entity">Entity auquel sont associés les elts à rattacher</param>
    private void ProcessBoneAttachments(XmlElement _xmlElement, Entity _entity)
      XmlElement xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("boneAttachments");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        XmlElement xmlElementAttach = (XmlElement)xmlElement.FirstChild;
        while (xmlElementAttach != null)
          string sBone = GetAttrib(xmlElementAttach, "bone");
          TagPoint tagPoint = _entity.AttachObjectToBone(sBone, GetEntity((XmlElement)xmlElementAttach.SelectSingleNode("entity")));
          //Parse child elements
          foreach (XmlElement xmlElementChild in xmlElementAttach.ChildNodes)
            switch (xmlElementChild.Name)
              case "position":
                tagPoint.Position= ParseVector3(xmlElementChild);
              case "rotation":
                tagPoint.Orientation = ParseRotation(xmlElementChild);
              case "scale":
          xmlElementAttach = (XmlElement)xmlElementAttach.NextSibling;

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement des animations
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sceneNodeParent">SceneNode parent</param>
    protected void ProcessNodeAnimations(XmlElement _xmlElement, SceneNode _sceneNodeParent)
      foreach (XmlElement xmlElementChild in _xmlElement.ChildNodes)
        if (xmlElementChild.Name == "animation")
          ProcessNodeAnimation(xmlElementChild, _sceneNodeParent);

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement d'une animation
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sceneNodeParent">SceneNode parent</param>
    protected void ProcessNodeAnimation(XmlElement _xmlElement, SceneNode _sceneNodeParent)
      //Get enabled and looping states
      bool bEnable = GetAttribBool(_xmlElement, "enable", false);
      bool bLooping = GetAttribBool(_xmlElement, "loop", false);

      //Animation name
      string sName = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "name");

      //Get existing animation or create new one
      Animation animation;
      if (sceneManager.HasAnimation(sName))
        animation = sceneManager.GetAnimation(sName);
        float fLength = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "length", 0);

        //Interpolation mode
        Animation.InterpolationMode interpolationMode = GetAttribAnimationInterpolationMode(_xmlElement, "interpolationMode");

        //Rotation interpolation mode
        Animation.RotationInterpolationMode rotationInterpolationMode = GetAttribAnimationRotationInterpolationMode(_xmlElement, "rotationInterpolationMode");

        //Notify the callback
        //if (this->callback != 0)
        //    this->callback->LoadingNodeAnimation(this, params);

        //Create animation
        animation = sceneManager.CreateAnimation(sName, fLength);

        //Notify the callback
        //if (this->callback != 0)
        //    this->callback->CreatedNodeAnimation(this, node, animation);

      //Create animation track for node
      NodeAnimationTrack animationTrack = animation.CreateNodeTrack((ushort)(animation.NumNodeTracks + 1), _sceneNodeParent);

      //Load animation keyframes
      foreach (XmlElement xmlElementChild in _xmlElement.ChildNodes)
        if (xmlElementChild.Name == "keyframe")
          ProcessNodeAnimationKeyFrame(xmlElementChild, animationTrack);

      //Notify callback
      //if (this->callback != 0)
      //    this->callback->CreatedNodeAnimationTrack(this, node, animationTrack, params.enable, params.looping);

      //if ((this->loadOptions & NO_ANIMATION_STATES) == 0)
      //Create a new animation state to track the animation
      if (!sceneManager.HasAnimationState(sName))
        //No animation state has been created for the animation yet
        AnimationState animationState = sceneManager.CreateAnimationState(sName);
        animationState.Enabled = bEnable;
        animationState.Loop = bLooping;

        //Notify callback
        //if (this->callback != 0)
        //    this->callback->CreatedNodeAnimationState(this, node, animationState);
      //else if (this->callback != 0)
      //        this->callback->ReferencedNodeAnimationState(this, node, animationState);

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement KeyFrame d'une animation 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_nodeAnimationTrack">NodeAnimationTrack</param>
    protected void ProcessNodeAnimationKeyFrame(XmlElement _xmlElement, NodeAnimationTrack _nodeAnimationTrack)
      //Key time
      float fKeyTime = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "time", 0);

      //Create the key frame
      TransformKeyFrame keyFrame = _nodeAnimationTrack.CreateNodeKeyFrame(fKeyTime);

      //Parse child elements
      foreach (XmlElement xmlElementChild in _xmlElement.ChildNodes)
        switch (xmlElementChild.Name)
          case "translation":
            keyFrame.Translate = ParseVector3(xmlElementChild);
          case "rotation":
            keyFrame.Rotation = ParseRotation(xmlElementChild);
          case "scale":
            keyFrame.Scale = ParseVector3(xmlElementChild);

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement de l'environement
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    protected void ProcessEnvironment(XmlElement _xmlElement)
      // Process fog (?)
      XmlElement xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("fog");
      if (xmlElement != null) ProcessFog(xmlElement);

      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("skyBox");
      if (xmlElement != null) ProcessSkyBox(xmlElement);

      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("skyDome");
      if (xmlElement != null) ProcessSkyDome(xmlElement);

      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("skyPlane");
      if (xmlElement != null) ProcessSkyPlane(xmlElement);

      // Process colourAmbient (?)
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("colourAmbient");
      if (xmlElement != null) sceneManager.AmbientLight = ParseColour(xmlElement);

      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("shadows");
      if (xmlElement != null) ProcessShadows(xmlElement);

      if (RenderWindow != null)
        Viewport viewport = RenderWindow.NumViewports == 0 ? RenderWindow.AddViewport(camera) : RenderWindow.GetViewport(0);
        viewport.Camera = camera;
        camera.AspectRatio = (float)viewport.ActualWidth / viewport.ActualHeight;
        xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("colourBackground");
        if (xmlElement != null) viewport.BackgroundColour = ParseColour(xmlElement);

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement des ombres
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    protected void ProcessShadows(XmlElement _xmlElement)
      string sTechnique = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "technique", "none");
      switch (sTechnique)
        case "stencilAdditive":
          sceneManager.ShadowTechnique = ShadowTechnique.SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_ADDITIVE;
        case "stencilModulative":
          sceneManager.ShadowTechnique = ShadowTechnique.SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_MODULATIVE;
        case "textureAdditive":
          sceneManager.ShadowTechnique = ShadowTechnique.SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_ADDITIVE;
        case "textureAdditiveIntegrated":
          sceneManager.ShadowTechnique = ShadowTechnique.SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_ADDITIVE_INTEGRATED;
        case "textureModulative":
          sceneManager.ShadowTechnique = ShadowTechnique.SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_MODULATIVE;
        case "textureModulativeIntegrated":
          sceneManager.ShadowTechnique = ShadowTechnique.SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_MODULATIVE_INTEGRATED;
          sceneManager.ShadowTechnique = ShadowTechnique.SHADOWTYPE_NONE;
      sceneManager.ShadowFarDistance = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "farDistance", 0);
      XmlElement xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("colourShadow");
      if (xmlElement != null) sceneManager.ShadowColour = ParseColour(xmlElement);
      //      <shadows technique="stencilModulative" farDistance="0">
      //    <colourShadow r="0" g="0" b="0" />

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement ciel en "boite"
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    protected void ProcessSkyBox(XmlElement _xmlElement)
      // Process attributes
      string material = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "material");
      float distance = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "distance", 5000);
      bool drawFirst = GetAttribBool(_xmlElement, "drawFirst", true);

      // Process rotation (?)
      Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.IDENTITY;
      XmlElement xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("rotation");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        rotation = ParseQuaternion(xmlElement);

      // Setup the sky box
      sceneManager.SetSkyBox(true, material, distance, drawFirst, rotation, sGroupName);

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement ciel en "dome"
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    protected void ProcessSkyDome(XmlElement _xmlElement)
      // Process attributes
      string material = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "material");
      float curvature = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "curvature", 10);
      float tiling = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "tiling", 8);
      float distance = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "distance", 4000);
      bool drawFirst = GetAttribBool(_xmlElement, "drawFirst", true);

      // Process rotation (?)
      Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.IDENTITY;
      XmlElement xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("rotation");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        rotation = ParseQuaternion(xmlElement);

      // Setup the sky dome
      sceneManager.SetSkyDome(true, material, curvature, tiling, distance, drawFirst, rotation, 16, 16, -1, sGroupName);

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement plan de ciel
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    protected void ProcessSkyPlane(XmlElement _xmlElement)
      // Process attributes
      string material = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "material");
      float planeX = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "planeX", 0);
      float planeY = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "planeY", -1);
      float planeZ = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "planeZ", 0);
      float planeD = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "planeD", 5000);
      float scale = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "scale", 1000);
      float bow = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "bow", 0);
      float tiling = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "tiling", 10);
      bool drawFirst = GetAttribBool(_xmlElement, "drawFirst", true);

      // Setup the sky plane
      Plane plane;
      plane.normal = new Vector3(planeX, planeY, planeZ);
      plane.d = planeD;
      sceneManager.SetSkyPlane(true, plane, material, scale, tiling, drawFirst, bow, 1, 1, sGroupName);

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement brouillard
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    protected void ProcessFog(XmlElement _xmlElement)
      // Process attributes
      float linearStart = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "linearStart", 0.0f);
      float linearEnd = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "linearEnd", 1.0f);

      FogMode mode = FogMode.FOG_NONE;
      string sMode = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "mode");
      // only linear atm
      if (sMode == "none")
        mode = FogMode.FOG_NONE;
      else if (sMode == "exp")
        mode = FogMode.FOG_EXP;
      else if (sMode == "exp2")
        mode = FogMode.FOG_EXP2;
      else if (sMode == "linear")
        mode = FogMode.FOG_LINEAR;

      // Process colourDiffuse (?)
      ColourValue colourDiffuse = ColourValue.White;
      XmlElement xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("colourDiffuse");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        colourDiffuse = ParseColour(xmlElement);

      // Setup the fog
      sceneManager.SetFog(mode, colourDiffuse, 0.001f, linearStart, linearEnd);

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement d'une lumière
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sceneNodeParent">SceneNode parent</param>
    protected void ProcessLight(XmlElement _xmlElement, SceneNode _sceneNodeParent)
      // Process attributes
      string name = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "name");

      // Create the light
      Light light = sceneManager.CreateLight(name);
      if (_sceneNodeParent != null)

      string sValue = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "type");
      if (sValue == "point")
        light.Type = Light.LightTypes.LT_POINT;
      else if (sValue == "directional")
        light.Type = Light.LightTypes.LT_DIRECTIONAL;
      else if (sValue == "spot")
        light.Type = Light.LightTypes.LT_SPOTLIGHT;

      // only set if Lamp is Spotlight (Blender)
      bool castShadow = true;
      if (_xmlElement.HasAttribute("castShadow"))
        castShadow = GetAttribBool(_xmlElement, "castShadow", true);
      else if (_xmlElement.HasAttribute("castShadows"))
        castShadow = GetAttribBool(_xmlElement, "castShadows", true);

      light.CastShadows = castShadow;

      // Process normal (?)
      XmlElement xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("normal");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        light.Direction = ParseVector3(xmlElement);      // Process normal (?)

      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("position");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        light.Position = ParseVector3(xmlElement);

      // Process colourDiffuse (?)
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("colourDiffuse");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        light.DiffuseColour = ParseColour(xmlElement);

      // Process colourSpecular (?)
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("colourSpecular");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        light.SpecularColour = ParseColour(xmlElement);

      // Process lightRange (?)
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("lightRange");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        ProcessLightRange(xmlElement, light);

      // Process lightAttenuation (?)
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("lightAttenuation");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        ProcessLightAttenuation(xmlElement, light);

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement aténuation d'une lumière
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_light">Light</param>
    protected void ProcessLightAttenuation(XmlElement _xmlElement, Light _light)
      // Process attributes
      float range = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "range");
      float constant = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "constant");
      float linear = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "linear");
      float quadratic = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "quadratic");

      // Setup the light attenuation
      _light.SetAttenuation(range, constant, linear, quadratic);

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement portée d'une lumière
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_light">Light</param>
    protected void ProcessLightRange(XmlElement _xmlElement, Light _light)
      // Process attributes
      float inner = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "inner");
      float outer = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "outer");
      float falloff = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "falloff", 1.0f);

      // Setup the light range
      _light.SetSpotlightRange(new Radian((Degree)inner), new Radian((Degree)outer), falloff);

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement d'une node
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sceneNodeParent">SceneNode parent</param>
    protected void ProcessNode(XmlElement _xmlElement, SceneNode _sceneNodeParent)
      // Construct the node's name
      string name = sPrependNode + GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "name");

      bool bIsInitialStateSet = false;

      // Create the scene node
      SceneNode sceneNode;
      if (name.Length == 0)
        // Let Ogre choose the name
        sceneNode = _sceneNodeParent != null ? _sceneNodeParent.CreateChildSceneNode() : sceneNodeAttach.CreateChildSceneNode();
        // Provide the name
        sceneNode = _sceneNodeParent != null ? _sceneNodeParent.CreateChildSceneNode(name) : sceneNodeAttach.CreateChildSceneNode(name);

      // Process other attributes

      // Process position (?)
      XmlElement xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("position");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        sceneNode.Position = ParseVector3(xmlElement);

      // Process quaternion (?)
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("quaternion");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        sceneNode.Orientation = ParseQuaternion(xmlElement);

      // Process rotation (?)
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("rotation");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        sceneNode.Orientation = ParseRotation(xmlElement);

      // Process scale (?)
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("scale");
      if (xmlElement != null)

      // Process entity (*)
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("entity");
      if (xmlElement != null) ProcessEntity(xmlElement, sceneNode);

      // Process light (*)
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("light");
      if (xmlElement != null) ProcessLight(xmlElement, sceneNode);

      // Process plane (*)
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("plane");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        ProcessPlane(xmlElement, sceneNode);
        //xmlElement = (XmlElement)xmlElement.NextSibling;

      // Process plane (*)
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("billboardset");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        ProcessBillboardSet(xmlElement, sceneNode);
        //xmlElement = (XmlElement)xmlElement.NextSibling;
      // Process camera (*)
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("camera");
      if (xmlElement != null) ProcessCamera(xmlElement, sceneNode);

      // Process particleSystem (*)
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("particleSystem");
      if (xmlElement != null) ProcessParticleSystem(xmlElement, sceneNode);

      // Process terrain (*)
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("terrain");
      if (xmlElement != null) ProcessTerrain(xmlElement, sceneNode);

      // Process userDataReference (?)
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("userData");
      if (xmlElement != null) ProcessUserDataReference(xmlElement, sceneNode);

      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("lookTarget");
      if (xmlElement != null) LoadLookTarget(xmlElement, sceneNode, null);

      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("trackTarget");
      if (xmlElement != null) LoadTrackTarget(xmlElement, sceneNode, null);

      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("animations");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        ProcessNodeAnimations(xmlElement, sceneNode);
        bIsInitialStateSet = true;

      // Process childnodes
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("node");
      while (xmlElement != null)
        ProcessNode(xmlElement, sceneNode);
        xmlElement = (XmlElement)xmlElement.NextSibling;

      //Set the initial state if it hasn't already been set
      if (!bIsInitialStateSet)

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement terrain
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sceneNodeParent">SceneNode parent</param>
    protected void ProcessTerrain(XmlElement _xmlElement, SceneNode _sceneNodeParent)
      float fWorldSize = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "worldSize");
      ushort usMapSize = ushort.Parse(_xmlElement.GetAttribute("mapSize"));
      //bool colourmapEnabled = GetAttribBool(_xmlElement, "colourmapEnabled");
      //int colourMapTextureSize = int.Parse(_xmlElement.GetAttribute("colourMapTextureSize"));
      //int compositeMapDistance = int.Parse(_xmlElement.GetAttribute("tuningCompositeMapDistance"));
      //int maxPixelError = int.Parse(_xmlElement.GetAttribute("tuningMaxPixelError"));

      //Vector3 lightdir = new Vector3(0f, -0.3f, 0.75f);
      //Light l = mSceneMgr.CreateLight("tstLight");
      //l.Type = Light.LightTypes.LT_DIRECTIONAL;
      //l.Direction = lightdir;
      //l.DiffuseColour = new ColourValue(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
      //l.SpecularColour = new ColourValue(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f);
      //if (mSceneMgr.AmbientLight == null) mSceneMgr.AmbientLight=new ColourValue(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f);

      //TerrainGlobalOptions mTerrainGlobalOptions = new TerrainGlobalOptions
      //                                               {
      //                                                 MaxPixelError = maxPixelError,
      //                                                 CompositeMapDistance = compositeMapDistance,
      //                                                 LightMapDirection = lightdir,
      //                                                 CompositeMapAmbient = mSceneMgr.AmbientLight,
      //                                                 CompositeMapDiffuse = l.DiffuseColour
      //                                               };

      TerrainGroup mTerrainGroup = new TerrainGroup(sceneManager, Terrain.Alignment.ALIGN_X_Z, usMapSize, fWorldSize)
                                       Origin = Vector3.ZERO,
                                       ResourceGroup = sGroupName

      // Process terrain pages (*)
      XmlElement pElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("terrainPages");
      if (pElement != null)
        // ReSharper disable PossibleNullReferenceException
        foreach (XmlElement xmlElement in pElement.SelectNodes("terrainPage"))
        // ReSharper restore PossibleNullReferenceException
          ProcessTerrainPage(xmlElement, _sceneNodeParent, mTerrainGroup);

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement terrain
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sceneNodeParent">SceneNode parent</param>
    /// <param name="_mTerrainGroup">TerrainGroup</param>
    protected void ProcessTerrainPage(XmlElement _xmlElement, SceneNode _sceneNodeParent, TerrainGroup _mTerrainGroup)
      string sName = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "name");
      int iPageX = int.Parse(_xmlElement.GetAttribute("pageX"));
      int iPageY = int.Parse(_xmlElement.GetAttribute("pageY"));

      if (ResourceGroupManager.Singleton.ResourceExists(_mTerrainGroup.ResourceGroup, sName))
        _mTerrainGroup.DefineTerrain(iPageX, iPageY, sName);

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement d'un plan
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sceneNodeParent">SceneNode parent</param>
    protected void ProcessPlane(XmlElement _xmlElement, SceneNode _sceneNodeParent)
      string sName = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "name");
      //float distance = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "distance");
      float fWidth = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "width");
      float fHeight = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "height");

      int ixSegments = (int)GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "xSegments");
      int iySegments = (int)GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "ySegments");
      int iNumTexCoordSets = (int)GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "numTexCoordSets");
      float fuTile = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "uTile");
      float fvTile = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "vTile");
      string sMaterial = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "material");
      bool bNormals = GetAttribBool(_xmlElement, "normals");
      //bool movablePlane = GetAttribBool(_xmlElement, "movablePlane");
      bool bCastShadows = GetAttribBool(_xmlElement, "castShadows");
      //bool receiveShadows = GetAttribBool(_xmlElement, "receiveShadows");

      Vector3 v3Normal = Vector3.ZERO;
      XmlElement pElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("normal");
      if (pElement != null)
        v3Normal = ParseVector3(pElement);

      Vector3 v3UpVector = Vector3.UNIT_Y;
      pElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("upVector");
      if (pElement != null)
        v3UpVector = ParseVector3(pElement);

      Plane plane = new Plane(v3Normal, v3UpVector);

        MeshManager.Singleton.CreatePlane(sName, sGroupName, plane, fWidth, fHeight, ixSegments, iySegments, bNormals, (ushort)iNumTexCoordSets, fuTile, fvTile, v3UpVector);

        Entity entity = sceneManager.CreateEntity(sName, sName);
        entity.CastShadows = bCastShadows;

        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sMaterial)) entity.SetMaterialName(sMaterial);
      catch (Exception e)
        LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("[DotSceneLoader] Error loading a plane!" + e.Message);

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement d'une node 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    protected void ProcessNodes(XmlElement _xmlElement)
      // Process node (*)
      XmlElement xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("node");
      while (xmlElement != null)
        ProcessNode(xmlElement, null);
        XmlNode nextNode = xmlElement.NextSibling;
        xmlElement = nextNode as XmlElement;
        while (xmlElement == null && nextNode != null)
          nextNode = nextNode.NextSibling;
          xmlElement = nextNode as XmlElement;

    //    <!ELEMENT billboardSet (billboard*)>
    //<!ATTLIST billboardSet
    //    name        CDATA    #REQUIRED   
    //    material    CDATA    #REQUIRED
    //    id            ID        #IMPLIED
    //    width        CDATA    #DEFAULT    "10"
    //    height        CDATA    #DEFAULT    "10"
    //    type        (orientedCommon | orientedSelf | point) "point"
    //    origin        (bottomLeft | bottomCenter | bottomRight | left | center | right | topLeft | topCenter | topRight) "center"

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement d'un billboardset
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">xml</param>
    /// <param name="_sceneNodeParent">node auquel le billboardset est rattaché</param>
    protected void ProcessBillboardSet(XmlElement _xmlElement, SceneNode _sceneNodeParent)
      string sName = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "name");
      string sMaterial = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "material");

      BillboardSet billboardSet = sceneManager.CreateBillboardSet(sName);
      billboardSet.DefaultHeight = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "height", 10);
      billboardSet.DefaultWidth = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "width", 10);

      switch (GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "type", "point"))
        case "orientedCommon":
          billboardSet.BillboardType = BillboardType.BBT_ORIENTED_COMMON;
        case "orientedSelf":
          billboardSet.BillboardType = BillboardType.BBT_ORIENTED_SELF;
        case "point":
          billboardSet.BillboardType = BillboardType.BBT_POINT;
        case "perpendicularCommon":
          billboardSet.BillboardType = BillboardType.BBT_PERPENDICULAR_COMMON;
        case "perpendicularSelf":
          billboardSet.BillboardType = BillboardType.BBT_PERPENDICULAR_SELF;

          billboardSet.BillboardType = BillboardType.BBT_ORIENTED_COMMON;
          LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("[DotSceneLoader] Error loading a billboardSet! Unknown type");

      switch (GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "origin", "center"))
        case "bottomLeft":
          billboardSet.BillboardOrigin = BillboardOrigin.BBO_BOTTOM_LEFT;
        case "bottomCenter":
          billboardSet.BillboardOrigin = BillboardOrigin.BBO_BOTTOM_CENTER;
        case "bottomRight":
          billboardSet.BillboardOrigin = BillboardOrigin.BBO_BOTTOM_RIGHT;
        case "left":
          billboardSet.BillboardOrigin = BillboardOrigin.BBO_CENTER_LEFT;
        case "center":
          billboardSet.BillboardOrigin = BillboardOrigin.BBO_TOP_CENTER;
        case "right":
          billboardSet.BillboardOrigin = BillboardOrigin.BBO_CENTER_RIGHT;
        case "topLeft":
          billboardSet.BillboardOrigin = BillboardOrigin.BBO_TOP_LEFT;
        case "topCenter":
          billboardSet.BillboardOrigin = BillboardOrigin.BBO_TOP_CENTER;
        case "topRight":
          billboardSet.BillboardOrigin = BillboardOrigin.BBO_TOP_RIGHT;
          billboardSet.BillboardOrigin = BillboardOrigin.BBO_BOTTOM_CENTER;
          LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("[DotSceneLoader] Error loading a billboardSet! Unknown origin");


      // Process childnodes
      XmlElement xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("billboard");
      while (xmlElement != null)
        ProcessBillboard(xmlElement, billboardSet);
        xmlElement = (XmlElement)xmlElement.NextSibling;


    /// <summary>
    /// Création d'un billboard
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">xml</param>
    /// <param name="_billboardSet">billboardset auquel le billboard est rattaché</param>
    protected void ProcessBillboard(XmlElement _xmlElement, BillboardSet _billboardSet)
      Vector3 v3Position = new Vector3();
      XmlElement xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("position");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        v3Position = ParseVector3(xmlElement);
      Billboard billboard = _billboardSet.CreateBillboard(v3Position);
      float fRotation = 0;
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("rotation");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        fRotation = GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "angle", 0);
      billboard.Rotation = fRotation;

      ColourValue colourValue = ColourValue.White;
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlElement.SelectSingleNode("colourDiffuse");
      if (xmlElement != null)
        colourValue = ParseColour(xmlElement);
      billboard.Colour = colourValue;
      if (_xmlElement.HasAttribute("width") && _xmlElement.HasAttribute("height")) billboard.SetDimensions(GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "width"), GetAttribReal(_xmlElement, "height"));

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement scène
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlRoot">XmlElement</param>
    protected void ProcessScene(XmlElement _xmlRoot)
      // Process the scene parameters
      string version = GetAttrib(_xmlRoot, "formatVersion", "unknown");

      string message = "[DotSceneLoader] Parsing dotScene file with version " + version;


      // Process nodes (?)
      XmlElement xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlRoot.SelectSingleNode("nodes");
      if (xmlElement != null)


      // Process environment (?)
      xmlElement = (XmlElement)_xmlRoot.SelectSingleNode("environment");
      if (xmlElement != null) ProcessEnvironment(xmlElement);
      // Process externals (?)
      //         pElement = (XmlElement)XMLRoot.SelectSingleNode("externals");
      //         if (pElement != null)
      //            ProcessExternals(pElement);

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement référence de donnée utilisateur
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sceneNode">SceneNode</param>
    protected void ProcessUserDataReference(XmlElement _xmlElement, SceneNode _sceneNode)
      // TODO

    /// <summary>
    /// Chargement système de particule
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_xmlElement">XmlElement</param>
    /// <param name="_sceneNode">SceneNode</param>
    protected void ProcessParticleSystem(XmlElement _xmlElement, SceneNode _sceneNode)
      // Process attributes
      string sName = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "name");
      string sFile = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "file");

      // Create the particle system
        ParticleSystem particleSystem = sceneManager.CreateParticleSystem(sName, sFile);
      catch (Exception e)
        LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("[DotSceneLoader] Error loading an Particle system!" + e.Message);

    private void LoadLookTarget(XmlElement _xmlElement, SceneNode _sceneNode, Camera _camera)
      LookTarget lookTarget = new LookTarget(_sceneNode, _camera)
                                  NodeName = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "nodeName")

      string relativeTo = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "relativeTo");
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(relativeTo))
        lookTarget.RelativeTo = (Node.TransformSpace)Enum.Parse(typeof(Node.TransformSpace), relativeTo);

      foreach (XmlElement childElement in _xmlElement.ChildNodes)
        switch (childElement.Name)
          case "position":
            lookTarget.Position = ParseVector3(childElement);
            lookTarget.IsPositionSet = true;
          case "localDirection":
            lookTarget.LocalDirection = ParseVector3(childElement);


    private void LoadTrackTarget(XmlElement _xmlElement, SceneNode _sceneNode, Camera _camera)
      TrackTarget trackTarget = new TrackTarget(_sceneNode, _camera)
                                    NodeName = GetAttrib(_xmlElement, "nodeName")

      foreach (XmlElement xmlElement in _xmlElement.ChildNodes)
        switch (xmlElement.Name)
          case "offset":
            trackTarget.Offset = ParseVector3(xmlElement);
          case "localDirection":
            trackTarget.LocalDirection = ParseVector3(xmlElement);


    private void FinishLoadingLookAndTrackTargets()
      // ReSharper disable ForCanBeConvertedToForeach
      for (int i = 0; i < lookTargets.Count; i++)
      // ReSharper restore ForCanBeConvertedToForeach
        LookTarget lookTarget = lookTargets[i];
        SceneNode lookTargetNode = string.IsNullOrEmpty(lookTarget.NodeName) ? null : sceneManager.GetSceneNode(lookTarget.NodeName);
        Vector3 position = new Vector3();
        if (lookTarget.IsPositionSet) position = lookTarget.Position;
          lookTarget.RelativeTo = Node.TransformSpace.TS_WORLD;
          if (lookTargetNode != null) position = lookTargetNode._getDerivedPosition();
        if (lookTarget.SourceNode != null)
          lookTarget.SourceNode.LookAt(position, lookTarget.RelativeTo, lookTarget.LocalDirection);
        else if (lookTarget.SourceCamera != null)

      foreach (TrackTarget trackTarget in trackTargets)
        SceneNode trackTargetNode = sceneManager.GetSceneNode(trackTarget.NodeName);
        if (trackTarget.SourceNode != null)
          trackTarget.SourceNode.SetAutoTracking(true, trackTargetNode, trackTarget.LocalDirection, trackTarget.Offset);
          if (trackTarget.SourceCamera != null) trackTarget.SourceCamera.SetAutoTracking(true, trackTargetNode, trackTarget.Offset);

    private void SetIdentityInitialState(SceneNode _node)
      //Get the current state
      Vector3 position = _node.Position;
      Quaternion orientation = _node.Orientation;
      Vector3 scale = _node.GetScale();

      //Set the initial state to be at identity
      _node.SetPosition(Vector3.ZERO.x, Vector3.ZERO.y, Vector3.ZERO.z);
      _node.SetOrientation(Quaternion.IDENTITY.w, Quaternion.IDENTITY.x, Quaternion.IDENTITY.y, Quaternion.IDENTITY.z);

      //Set the current state so the node is in the correct position if the node has
      //animations that are initially disabled
      _node.SetPosition(position.x, position.y, position.z);
      _node.SetOrientation(orientation.w, orientation.x, orientation.y, orientation.z);