This page lists some old/legacy GSoC project ideas that the team has come up with over the years via brainstorming sessions. Those ideas can either be important parts from the Help Requested wiki page that the team deemed manageable within the limited time frame of GSoC or completely new ideas.
Note: This list is not specific to any particular GSoC year, but is just a general collection. For a detailed list of what we currently consider the most important potential topics, see the current GSoC idea page.
Important: Please do not add entries to this list without having proposed and discussed them in the GSoC Ogre forum section!
- Provide 2D functionality (aka Cocos2d) - mainly easier interface, better sprite / animation support
- Support for OpenCL / CUDA / Mobile computing on Android (using )
- Improve Android port so that its better integrated with the native android UI
- Binary scripts into Ogre Core (there is some code already floating around in that area)
- Create a small game using Ogre to demo its power
- Transition system for scenes - like page turn, chess, and such to switch between two scenes
- Scene serialization + demo: The idea is that you will be able to serialize any Ogre class, then load a full scene with models, lights, terrain and such. You will be able to save the scene nodes in any stage then reload them at will e.g. for debugging.
- Explore built in advanced culling techniques
- Replace Ogre's overlay system by betajaen's Gorilla library + some addition of some new further features to the lib
The following are ideas carried over from previous years that are likely either solved or addressed by other GSoC ideas above:
- Write a Qt Ogrerenderer: Qt has an OpenGL renderer, and an OpenGL ES 2.0 renderer - if it had an Ogre renderer - you would be able to use Qt inside Ogre for GUI regardless of render system.