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Here is a script of user Telchar, which shows how to create an outline around a character, which works without shaders.

Screenshot of this effect, used in the game Torchlight:

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material some/random/material/with/rim/effect { technique { pass { texture_unit { texture yourtexturehere.png } //rim lighting texture_unit { cubic_texture combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp colour_op_ex add src_texture src_current colour_op_multipass_fallback one one env_map cubic_normal } } } }

Here is the c++ code to do the same:

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/* rim lighting see: */ #pragma once #include <Ogre/OgreEntity.h> #include <Ogre/OgreSubEntity.h> #include <Ogre/OgreSubMesh.h> #include <Ogre/OgreString.h> #include <Ogre/OgreMaterial.h> /* add the rim lighting effect to an entity. */ void highlight (Ogre::Entity* entity) { unsigned short count = entity->getNumSubEntities(); const Ogre::String file_name = ""; const Ogre::String rim_material_name = "_rim"; for (unsigned short i = 0; i < count; ++i) { Ogre::SubEntity* subentity = entity->getSubEntity (i); const Ogre::String& old_material_name = subentity->getMaterialName(); Ogre::String new_material_name = old_material_name + rim_material_name; Ogre::MaterialPtr new_material = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName (new_material_name); if (new_material.isNull()) { MaterialPtr old_material = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName (old_material_name); new_material = old_material->clone (new_material_name); Pass* pass = new_material->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0); Ogre::TextureUnitState* texture = pass->createTextureUnitState(); texture->setCubicTextureName (&file_name, true); texture->setTextureAddressingMode (TextureUnitState::TAM_CLAMP); texture->setColourOperationEx (Ogre::LBX_ADD, Ogre::LBS_TEXTURE, Ogre::LBS_CURRENT); texture->setColourOpMultipassFallback (Ogre::SBF_ONE, Ogre::SBF_ONE); texture->setEnvironmentMap (true, Ogre::TextureUnitState::ENV_NORMAL); } subentity->setMaterial (new_material); } } /* remove the rim lighting effect from an entity. */ void unhighlight (Ogre::Entity* entity) { unsigned short count = entity->getNumSubEntities(); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < count; ++i) { Ogre::SubEntity* subentity = entity->getSubEntity (i); Ogre::SubMesh* submesh = subentity->getSubMesh(); const Ogre::String& old_material_name = submesh->getMaterialName(); const Ogre::String& new_material_name = subentity->getMaterialName(); // if the entity is already using the original material then we're done. if (0 == stricmp (old_material_name.c_str(), new_material_name.c_str())) continue; // otherwise restore the original material name. subentity->setMaterialName (old_material_name); } }

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