What is it?
This tool converts a .dat file (generated by the handy program LMNOpc Bitmap Font Builder ( http://www.lmnopc.com/bitmapfontbuilder/ ) into a .fontdef file usable by Ogre3d.
Where is it?
The exporter is found in the ogrenew\Tools\BitmapFontBuilderTool directory of the source tree.
How do I use it?
1. Compile it
2. Copy it to where your .dat file is or copy your .dat file to where it is.
3. run it.
It will ask you a series of questions.
(NOTE: None of your answers can have spaces in them! (so make sure all your file names don't have spaces either!)
Q1: Enter unique font name:
This is the name that you will use in your ogre source to refer to this font.
Q2: Enter font image name:
This is the name of the image file that the font file uses. (also saved from LMNOpc Bitmap Font Builder )
Q3: Enter size of texture(Example: 256)
This is the first value displayed in the LMNOpc gui in the box labeled "Texture Size"
Q4: Enter name of file containing binary widths:
This is the name of the .dat file you got from LMNOpc ( File > Save Font Widths ( Byte format ) )
Question 5 and 6 have an explination with them :
If you've modified the output from BitmapFontBuilder, e.g. by adding a
dropshadow, you'll need to widen the glyphs a little. If you used
BitmapFontBuilder's output directly, just answer 0 in the following two
Q5: Enter number of pixels to add to the left of all glyphs:
Usually 0, but see above.
Q6: Enter number of pixels to add to the right of all glyphs:
Usually 1, but see above.
Q7: Generate all glyph statements(Not Recommended) (Y/N):
Answering No will generate entries for only the printable charectors. Answering Yes will generate entries for all 256.
Q8: Enter name of new text file to create:
This is the filename of the output file. use whatever you want, just end it in ".fontdef"
I need Step by Step Instructions!
ok, here we go.
1. Download and install LMNOpc Bitmap Font Builder ( http://www.lmnopc.com/bitmapfontbuilder/ )
2. Compile the Ogre Exporter
3. Open LMNOpc Bitmap Font Builder
4. The defaults for everything is good for an example run.. play with the controls later.
5. File > Save 8-bit TGA ... call it test.tga
6. File > Save Font Widths (Byte format ) ... call it test.dat
7. In a file explorer, copy the .tga and .dat files you just made to where your ogre exporter lives.
8. Run the exporter.
9. Use the following answers: testFont, test.tga, 256, test.dat, 0, 0, N, test.fontdef
10. Ta da, copy the test.tga and test.fontdef files to your ogre project, and they are ready for use!