Colons, semi colons…
HLSL coding style
If you know your way around any mature language, you’re half way there to understanding how to read HLSL (sorry python users...).
Instead of a long, tedious article, here is a summary of the most important points. if you're not satisfied, here is a link to MS official page:
Declaring, initializing and using variables is very much the same as anywhere:
float fVar; //declare a float called fVar float fVar = 3.1f; // initialize with value of 3.1 int iVar[3]; // declare array of 3 integers int iVar[3] = {1,2,3}; // declare int array and initialize
Matrices and vectors
Since matrices are used very often in shaders, HLSL (as do GLSL and CG) have a “shortcut” to creating them:
important note : both vectors and matrices are limited to 4 members ( or 4 on 4 in matrix case)
Vector a; // a vector… float4 color; // a vector called color with 4 float members float4 lightDirection = {0,0,1}; // a vector with initialization float4 diffuseMaterial = float4(0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0); // vector initialized using constructor float4x4 mTot; // declaration of a 4 on 4 matrix // matrices don’t have to be symmetrical
If you know structs in any other language, you know them in HLSL.
// a struct with two members struct VS_OUTPUT { float4 pos; float4 diff; }; //another note: the semi-colons at the end of the definition are MANDATORY (if you forgot)
Same as everywhere:
//A function called VS_func, returns a VS_OUTPUT (struct) // receives an object of VS_INPUT (another struct) // and a vector called direction VS_OUTPUT VS_func (const VS_INPUT input, float3 direction) { VS_OUTPUT output; return output; } // a different type of function declaration, which we will discuss later Float4 VS_func (const VS_INPUT input) : POSITION { return input.position; }
Flow control
HLSL has the same flow control syntax as C;
If you already know what techniques and passes are in ogre scripts, this will not be foreign.
If you don’t, jump.
technique Technique1 { pass Pass1 { // [program type] = compile [profile] [function-name]; VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VertexShaderFunction( ); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PixelShaderFunction( ); } }
…Or in professional terms: semantics
such as:
float4 pos : POSITION;
Semantics are a somewhat unique feature of shading languages. They describe the purpose/role of the parameter/vector/matrix. They are the first comprehension barrier of understanding HLSL code.
Remember the remark: "some things are done behind the curtain"? Semantics are the key. You define the role; the GPU does the rest.