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Overlay - An overlay is an additional plane that is layed over the finished render of a scene. Commonly, scores or interaction menus for the player are positioned there. In the Ogre demos, overlays are used to display the Ogre logo as well as current information about the scene, such as polygon count or current frames per second.
Further information
Ogre Manual:
Ogre API:
- Overlay
- OverlayContainer
- OverlayElement
- OverlayElementFactory
- OverlayManager
- Manual Resource Loading - Create Overlays by code (notes and examples)
See also:
- MovableTextOverlay
- ColoredTextAreaOverlayElement
- ManualObject 2D
- Creating Overlays via Code
- Displaying 2D Backgrounds
- Billboard - an other technique to display 3D content
- GUI - an overview of GUI systems
Mogre specific:
- Easy Debug Text for MOGRE
- MOGRE MovableText by Billboards - easy usage without compilation
- MOGRE MovableText - needs Mogre compilation
- Simple text in MOGRE
- MOGRE SpriteManager2d
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