SkyX Wrapper for MOGRE         Sky and weather simulation


SkyX pretends to be a photorealistic, simple and fast sky simulator.

This page is related to the SkyX wrapper, which allows sky simulation for Mogre applications.

help Note: This wrapper wasn't updated for a longer time. Consider to use the alternative wrapper: MSkyX


Features of SkyX:

  • Atmosphere manager (Atmosphere information, functions that returns the sky colour at a especified direction, ...)
  • Sun, Moon and star field
  • Layer clouds
  • Full volumetric cloud system
  • Ground atmospheric light absorcion pass (Allows you to simulate the atmospheric light absorcion in scene objects)
  • HDR and LDR support
  • Shader Model 2.0 capable (HLSL for the moment)
  • Full integration with Hydrax (water simulation) and code example (HydraxSkyXDemo)
  • 2 example applications: Terrain & Volumetric cloud system

Wrapper notes:
Lot of classes are wrapped. If you need missing methods or features, then just ask here and the wrapper author (boyamer) will add them.

Authors and Support

Author: Xavyiy
Licence: Open source (LGPL licence)

SkyX wrapper:
Author: boyamer (Amer Koleci)
Licence: Open source (MIT licence)

Forum thread for SkyX
Forum thread of the Mogre wrapper

For questions, please use the public forum threads.


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Binary download:

Just copy the compiled files into your binary directory (e.g. MogreSDK\bin\release).

Source code:

For compilation of the source code you need to set the option "Allow unsafe code" in the project properties of Visual Studio.


How to start using SkyX wrapper for Mogre


SkyX wrapper is P/INVOKE wrapper for Mogre 1.7.1.
The wrapper is self included into the SkyX projects and added the export declaration.
To build the wrapper you have to open SkyX project and add Mogre include path into the inclusion path and Mogre lib path into the library path, call Build and if compilation went ok under SkyX\SkyX\release you should find SkyX.dll.

Copy that dll into your project binary path (e.g. Mogre\Bin\Release)

.NET application:

To use SkyX into your application, copy the media files from SkyX\media into your media path.

Open resources.cfg and add this line to the end, referencing where your SkyX content is.


Look also to the repository description page - maybe it contains newer information.

Instruction of a forum post:

You don't need to add any DLL reference to your project, just make sure the DLL is in the same directory like all your compiled .exe and .dll files (usually somewhere like bin\Debug or bin\Release) and add the files from boyamers repository (AtmosphereManager.cs, CloudLayer.cs, and so on). These files contain the managed part (for C#) of the wrapper and contains all the functions and classes you need.


Look into the source code of the demo applications.

TODO: add code snippets


If you get this invalid parameters error in the ogre.log file

23:19:46: Parsing script SkyX.material
23:19:46: Compiler error: invalid parameters in SkyX.material(109): param_named and param_indexed properties requires at least 3 arguments

Then you should modify the related line of the SkyX.material file. (The line number you find in the ogre log message. In this example it's line 109.)

param_named uRadius float 30000

Problems with Shadows
Stencil Shadows are used for old hardware with fixed function pipeline, as SkyX is shader based probably there is a problem.

ShadowTechnique.SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_ADDITIVE;               // shadows may work, SkyX BROKEN
ShadowTechnique.SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_MODULATIVE;             // no shadows,       SkyX BROKEN

ShadowTechnique.SHADOWTYPE_NONE;                           // no shadows, SkyX WORKS
ShadowTechnique.SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_ADDITIVE;               // no shadows, SkyX WORKS
ShadowTechnique.SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_MODULATIVE;             // no shadows, SkyX WORKS

See also